Thursday, 16 April 2015

Why The Low Carb Diabetic Blog !

Well the blog has been going for some years now, and we have recently welcomed many new readers from all around the world. 

From both emails and comments received some have asked about the blog when and why was it first introduced etc:

Our original profile states:

"We are a small band of diabetics all low carbers. Posting links to diabetes related articles and low carb food advice. In our spare time we like to lampoon the spreaders of fear and misinformation. Welcome to the crazy world of diabetes."

Our Interests: "Challenging the outdated dogma that believes diabetics should base their diet on blood glucose raising carbohydrates, and demolishing the myths that says saturated fat causes chronic disease."

Our Favourite books include "Dr.Richard Bernstein The Diabetes Solution,  Gary Taubes The Diet Delusion, Dr. Malcolm Kendrick The Cholestrol Con. "

In more recent times the blog has taken on a more magazine type feel with a widening of articles, news, views, recipes, some personal stories, and our ever popular Saturday Night Is Music Night Spot. 

The team's main concern is still with diabetes and the better control of it by following a LCHF lifestyle, but more and more people, who are not diabetic, have been discovering this lifestyle and seeing for themselves the improvement in health and well-being it can give.

None of the low carb team are medical professionals. The articles you read are personal views but often link to both medical and scientific studies.

I am the only one of the team who is not a diabetic, but being married to Eddie a Type 2 diabetic, and seeing how this LCHF lifestyle can and does help so many, it just made sense to live the lifestyle myself and join the small team. 

Please check out our other sites. They total over two million page views.

The new low carb diabetic forum is here. The only dedicated Forum to low carb control of diabetes and weight forum in the UK, but many members come from further afield, and all are most welcome.

The low carb diabetic website. Primarily for type two diabetics newly diagnosed or long term non insulin users looking to gain better control of blood glucose numbers.

This of course is our main blog you are reading and can be found here

A less controversial blog for all aspects of diabetes and the low carb lifestyle.

A very basic guide to get you started on a low carb lifestyle.
All recipes easy to make with no specialist skills or equipment needed.

Follow the low carb diabetic on twitter here.
We look forward to posting up many more articles, and many thanks for taking time to read.

All the best Jan


  1. It is necessary to have the outlet for the people who want to rely mostly on life-style choices for the management of their health problems. The idea that living like everybody else while sort-of correcting symptoms with medications is presented well enough already.

  2. Thanks for posting the sites again. I'm not diabetic (or pre-diabetic), but definitely working on following the LCHF lifestyle.

  3. Hi Galina - as always, many thanks for your comment.

    Hi Siobhan - lovely to see you here and thanks for your comment. I'm sure the LCHF lifestyle will go well for you, take care,

    All the best Jan


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
