Friday, 8 May 2015

A more accomplished post from a low carb Anti.

We get a lot of dross posted as comments on this blog, most get deleted.  This came in this evening, and is one of the more accomplished negative comments, on this post here. As always the post was anonymous. They never even have the minerals to post with an anon known forum name.

Anonymous said...


"You are still proof that any one can bullshit, and then sell out to the pharma and shovel down the meds, on your max dose of metformin."

The maximum dose for Metformin is twice the 2 x 500mg I have used for seven years. In my case Met has very little effect on my BG but it is believed there are heart benefits, hence I stay with it. Met is my only diabetes drug.

"Have the balls to stand by your diet and give it the boot, or admit the pharma are keeping you alive, and you're the biggest sellout of all."

"Have the balls to stand by your diet and give it the boot" A contradiction, and I will be staying with the dietary lifestyle that has kept me to non diabetic numbers for almost seven years.

"Still on the bright side, it'll soon be time to get the helpers to wheel you down to the riverbank. At least the pharma will keep you there for a few more years, until you need to move onto their next offering, and sell out yet again."

Sell out to big pharma? clearly you are demented my friend. 

"Notice you haven't been upping the numbers on your completely dead forum, too much cheap plonk down the local?"

Dead forum? Check out the fat ex copper that used to be a mod, at the forum of flog DCUK crypt of a forum here. Rigamortis set in years ago. 

"Or maybe 'fine wine' as you call the house red? Still, if it keeps you quiet, and your drivel off the forum I'm sure the rest of your little mob is more than happy to let you lie there."

Get a grip lad or woman, what have I told you about err...excessive chicken choking, or maybe monkey spanking (who knows what you are or do) it can send you batshit. 

Anyway, come back any time, I reckon your rants are somewhat cathartic for you and much cheaper than therapy. 

Have a nice weekend and thank you for adding to our page view count and comments.



  1. "You are still proof that any one can bullshit, and then sell out to the pharma and shovel down the meds, on your max dose of metformin."

    Have you re-written the script sunshine, you're implying Eddie takes the maximum dose of metformin since when has 1000mg been the max dose?

    The maximum recommended dose of metformin hydrochloride is 3 g daily

    After seven years I still only take one 500mg daily, if we had listened to clowns like you and not followed a LC/HF diet then we would have progressed and needed far more than metformin which has only a limited effect on BG

    Kind regards

  2. I have been on 2x500g Metformin for 4 years now and my aim is to get off them completely. I don't want to take any medication if there is no need.

    However, my doctor, who was very encouraged by my last set of results said that Metformin is a useful drug for diabetics even if it is not strictly speaking required to keep my BG numbers in check.

    I didn't quiz her on the benefits, so interesting to hear it has heart benefits. I guess I should do some more research on it!


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The best of health to you and yours.
