I was diagnosed with Type 2 in April - and my GP put me on Metformin. Since then I have lost 12lbs on the LCHF diet. My GP actually reccomended the LCHF diet and is happy with my progress, she also told me that she isn't expecting my colesterol to go down very much in the first few months, but she thinks that by staying on this diet, I probably won't end up on statins (thank god). The first week for me was really hard, because my family are Italian, so I ate many, many carby foods and never had any energy afterwards. Diabetes runs in my family, my mum is type 1 and has been for 40 years, my grandfather and great grandmother were also type 2's and my older brother was diagnosed last year.
I now cook many things in butter, I use lots of double cream, I leave the fat on meat and eat lots of cheese, have always used olive oil, I don't count calories and have been able to get lots of information by reading other members posts on this awesome site! My BG, before I started the LCHF diet was usually around 7.5 before meals and around 11 - 14 two hours after. Now they are usually between 4.8 and 6 after meals, I have not felt so energetic since I don't remember when (my GP suspects that I have been diabetic for around 3-5 years but I would always chicken out of the tests). One other thing I should point out, I also stopped smoking 3 weeks ago and moved onto vaping and in the past if I have tried to stop, I always put huge amounts of weight on, but on the LCHF diet I have managed to lose it instead!
To quote my GP, "I truly think that the NHS are trying to kill people off, by making them stick the diet they advocate". She is also one of those that thinks all Types should have testing sticks for free so that you know what foods work best for you.
Sorry for going on - I just think that the LCHF is an awesome way to lose weight, control BG and give so much more energy than eating carb rich diets - I wish I had known about it before now!"
Link to post here.
Every day we hear about more medical professionals rubbishing the sort of diet for diabetics recommended by the likes of the NHS, DUK, BDA and ADA etc. Maybe when the aforementioned get out of the grip of junk food and big pharma they will get their heads out of their butts. Could be a long wait, but hey, it's not their limbs, kidneys and eyes.
No apologies for repeating "before I started the LCHF diet was usually around 7.5 before meals and around 11 - 14 two hours after. Now they are usually between 4.8 and 6 after meals" and To quote my GP, "I truly think that the NHS are trying to kill people off, by making them stick the diet they advocate"
It sounds like moderators have a rebellion case.
ReplyDeleteGalina always good to read your comments. Thanks for your continued support of our blog.
You are welcome, Eddie.It looks like the point of view on the appropriate diet for IR people and diabetics which me and you support is ABOUT to go mainstream. Congratulations! Your team is on a winning strike!