Europe’s growing obesity crisis will see almost three-quarters of men and two-thirds of women in the UK being classed as overweight by 2030, health experts have warned.
The World Health Organisation and UK-based researchers have predicted a problem “of enormous proportions” facing Europe over the next 15 years and have suggested that recent campaigns to improve diets and reduce fat intake are not having enough of an impact.
The findings show that the UK will remain in the top third of European nations, in terms of rates of people overweight and obese, with 74% of men and 64% of women predicted to be overweight by 2030 (that’s a body mass index – or BMI – of more than 25) and 36% of men and 30% of women obese (with a BMI over 30).
Dr Laura Webber, director of public health modelling at the UK Health Forum and co-author of the study which will be presented at the European Congress on Obesity in Prague, said: “There was some evidence of a plateau in young boys’ obesity levels in England but otherwise we are seeing increasing rates.
“There needs to be a whole-society approach to this … People also need to know what they’re eating. Better labelling of foods and understanding what goes into processed foods is vital, as are continued reformulations of processed foods.”
However, Ireland is predicted to have greater problems, with overweight or obese rates said to rise as high as 89% among men and 85% of women.
Other countries facing growing obesity problems include Greece, Spain, Austria, the Czech Republic and Sweden."
Read more, original article here
Thanks for your kind comments
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that the establishment is (apparently) so blind to the warning bells that should be ringing.
ReplyDeleteIf I were a more cynical person I might think that palms or pockets were being greased, heaven forbid!
Whilst I accept that personal responsibility counts, if junk food is cheap (and on every corner, as well as being advertised at all times of the day and night) then there needs to be concerted (need I say government action). A swinging tax on sugar in beverages and food would be a good start. No not 10p in the pound, let's try (for starters) doubling the cost of all those beverages. Self-regulation by the food industry? Forget it, it's a none starter. We appear to be walking blindly into an obesity pandemic with the government maintaining a very cosy relationship with food manufacturers (sorry, scratch that last remark, a hint of cynicism creeping in there ... a high caffeine energy drink should sort that).
Sugar and junk food are the real problems.
In case there are people out there who are not aware of it can I recommend a book from the 1970's (1976 I think): Pure, White and Deadly by Professor John Yudkin. For information Professor Yudkin produced his own low carb diet (before Atkins : my copy is from 1958! - 'This Slimming Business').
Also interesting in this book is Professor Yudkin's food groups:
Group 1: milk and cheese.
Group 2: meat, fish, eggs.
Group 3: fruit, vegetables.
Group 4: butter, margarine.
Though he did not advocate a no-carb diet it is interesting that he demonstrates that you can have a VERY healthy diet without the need for carbs.
By the way, Professor Yudkin had no axes to grind, he foresaw the obesity epidemic we are now living in and tried to warn the public about the dangers of sugar but was effectively gagged by the sugar industry.
I'll bet that most people will be familiar with Dr Robert Lustig's work but, perhaps, not as many with Yudkin. For those who don't know him, read his books, they are both prophetic and disturbing, we should all be taking more notice and the establishment should be doing something (anything!!!, please) to address this problem.
Walter Leadbetter
Hello Gail and many thanks ... enjoyed reading your two most recent posts the flowers on 'Flags of Friendship' were lovely ... and I really liked your 'As We Age' post - I'm sure there are many who can relate to your thoughts and experience.
ReplyDeleteAll the best Jan
Hello Walter and many thanks for your absolutely STUNNING comment.
ReplyDeleteYour recommendations for Prof John Yudkin and later Dr Robert Lustig are 'spot on'. They are both thought very highly of by all on the 'low carb team'
Thank you for taking time to comment and leave your views.
All the best Jan