Monday 18 May 2015

PM Cameron back on the bullshit trail !

Cameron waves goodbye to the NHS

Prime Minister David Cameron is to renew his vow to boost NHS funding and create a "seven-day" health service in his first major post-election speech.

He will commit to a pre-election pledge to increase budgets by at least £8Bn a year by 2020, during his speech at a GP surgery in the West Midlands.Outlining the government plans, he will say the NHS is "safe in our hands".

But doctors' representatives said without detail the announcement was "empty headline-grabbing".

The British Medical Association said the government was yet to explain how it would deliver additional care at a time of "chronic" doctor shortages.

Before the election, the Conservatives gave their backing to a plan by NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens to fill a funding gap estimated at £30bn a year by 2020.

This aims to make £22bn in efficiency savings, with the rest coming from taxpayers.

Full story here.

So the NHS which is chronically short of Doctors and money now, will get £8 billion a year more by 2020, after cost savings i.e. cuts of £22 billion have been made. Meanwhile the turkeys that voted for Christmas have just woken up to the fact Christmas is coming early.  

No more cuts, Tory councils tell George Osborne

Conservative-led Local Government Association warns that fresh round of cuts would devastate local services and communities.

Tory council leaders across England and Wales have presented a united front with Labour and Lib Dem-run local authorities as they warn the chancellor, George Osborne, that another round of funding cuts would devastate local services and harm the most vulnerable in society.

In a letter to the Observer, council bosses representing every type of local authority in England and Wales, as part of the Tory-controlled Local Government Association (LGA), say they have already had to impose cuts of 40% since 2010 and cannot find more savings without serious consequences for community life and social care, and knock-on effects for the NHS.

More on this story here.

We have received more than one comment recently along the lines of, we like this blog but don't like the politics posts. The reason the NHS is being taken apart and the woeful dietary guidelines recommended all around the world, has everything to do with politics. If anyone cannot see that, I suggest you go back to the cornflakes, toast and orange juice breakfast.



  1. I hope we will not be saying goodbye to the NHS but for one reason plus many others in many areas it is failing. Diabetics are not getting the treatment and appointments they should. Many are waiting far too long for hip replacements.Can the country afford the many Billions it truly needs?


  2. 'I suggest you go back to the cornflakes, toast and orange juice breakfast.'

    Right behind you there Eddie, we don't need any one on here that is a tory voter.
    Anti's everywhere nowadays.

    Can't they see it doesn't make any sense?

  3. The NHS and its many good staff need support from all. Would people not mind paying a little extra if they knew the extra money given all went to improve and maintain what is still a good NHS.

    Kath ( retired HCP )


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