Sunday 24 May 2015

Pupils taught cola is part of a healthy diet

SCHOOLCHILDREN are being taught that foods high in fat or sugar are a necessary part of a balanced diet, under guidelines and teaching materials produced by an organisation partly funded by food manufacturers.

The British Nutrition Foundation (BNF), which includes Coca-Cola, Mars and British Sugar among its members, has helped write the “core competencies” on diet and health for school lessons on nutrition.

The seven-page document makes no reference to obesity or the links between foods high in saturated fat and sugar and heart disease and diabetes.

In the paper, the BNF recommends the use of the government’s “eatwell” plate — a pictorial representation of the foods that make up a healthy diet. One of the groups is “foods and drinks high in fat and/or sugar”, such as cola, cake, crisps, sweets and biscuits.

Sorry can't get the full text: For a complete list of corporate and sustaining members see the following link. All the usual suspects are there including Kelloggs, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Unilever, McDonald's, Tate and Lyle and many more.

Credit to Zoe Harcombe for the links


BNF Member organisations


  1. Wow, I can't believe they are allowed to teach such lies and get away with it... if they were teaching my child this I would be so angry... I understand that they have the right to sell rheir product but I don't think the should be able to lie and say it's nutricious... that is disgusting.....


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