Tuesday 5 May 2015

Sian Porter, consultant dietitian and spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association, agrees !

"Chairman Professor Fiona Sim, writing in the British Medical Journal, has warned that adults who drink may be getting as much as 10 per cent of their daily calories from booze and has called for restaurants and drinks companies to include nutritional information on bottles and menus to educate consumers.

"Most women do not realise, for example, that two large glasses of wine (370 calories) is almost a fifth of their daily recommended energy intake, as well as containing more than the recommended daily limit of alcohol units," says Prof Sim. That's the same amount of calories as two bags of Malteasers.

"With the increase in the size of wine glasses in bars and restaurants in the past decade, it seems likely that many of us have unwittingly increased the number of calories we consume in alcohol," she adds.

Sian Porter, consultant dietitian and spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association, agrees: "Many people forget to include drinks - including alcohol - when they are watching what they eat. It's easy for these calories to add up as they are being consumed as a liquid."

From this article in the Express here.

You really have to hand it to these "experts" hardly a week goes by and they are not stating the totally obvious. That being said, the experts are getting nowhere, in the fight against the ever rising epidemic of obesity and the often linked type diabetes. It's my opinion so many dietitians are either indirectly or directly involved with the high sugar junk food industry and the Frankenstein fats lobby, nothing is going to change. You also have to consider the fact so many dietitians are completely clueless to what constitutes a healthy diet for a diabetic.

When challenging big name dietitians in the past and challenging their dietary recommendations, the excuses follow freely. Evidently the BDA follow the DUK recommendations, as stated on this blog recently. If that cop out fails, the old "patient did not comply" ruse often comes out of the woodwork. When all else fails, they block a person from following their twitter accounts etc. To be fair following the BDA re. weight-loss is a tough gig for losing weight, just ask Sian. Could it be Sian is following her much trumpeted advice, if so it has failed. 


Here is Sian flogging spuds. "superfoods" here.

Sian Porter, the Potato Council's consultant dietitian, told the Daily Express: 'It is important to have a wide variety of foods in your diet but sometimes our heads are turned by new things and we underestimate old favourites like potatoes and how they compare to other, often more expensive "superfoods".'

Here is Sian promoting margarine while in the employ of the Fat Panel, a shill outfit for the margarine industry.

"Dietician Sian Porter from The Fat Panel shows you how to follow your favourite chefs meal the healthy way."


  1. Nowadays the idea of healthiness of hydrogenated vegetable oils is very outdated. The message to use vegetable oils spread instead of a butter fortunately discredits the whole video.

  2. Butter is such a good food full of healthy fat. Did you know "Butter makes your pants fall off" just ask Bob Briggs.



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