Monday, 11 May 2015

Tories for the next five years, what of the last five years ?

They said they would reduce the countries debt, they failed, they added hundreds of billions in borrowing. They said they would improve the ratio between GDP and debt, another failure. They said they would not meddle with the NHS and it was safe in their hands, they lied. Waiting lists are at ten year high in some hospitals and there is a big shortage of GP's. They said immigration would be down to 100,000 before this election, the last published figure was 300,000, so a miserable failure there. Over a year ago Cameron said no stone would be left unturned in the ever increasing child abuse scandals, what happened to the big public enquiry? They boast of creating more jobs than all the EU countries put together, mostly zero hour contracts and wages so bad, the tax payer subsidises very poor pay with tax credits. The latest stunt regarding education, is to fill schools with unqualified teachers. OK, you get the picture. I could go on all day about the Bank frauds, quantitative easing etc. etc.

Above information from here. BTW the estimated 1.36 trillion was exceeded to close on 1.5 trillion as of now. My guess is way past 2 trillion in a year or so. If interest rates go to to say 5%, not that high when you look at the average over the last 40 years, the Government will not be able to pay the interest on the debt, let alone the capital. Sounds like much higher taxes on the way to me, or maybe massive money printing (quantitative easing) which has never really worked, or a big sterling devaluation. What ever way you look at it, it's not good news for most.

So, what of the next five years. I reckon we can expect more of the same, but much worse. Vastly increased Sovereign debt. More grim news re. the NHS. They have not got a hope in hell of stemming immigration, the EU won't allow it. One of the mainstays of the union is free movement by all EU subjects, to any EU country. More skulduggery from their controllers, the Banks. The true value of savings dwindling, pension funds stagnant and morbid fear of increasing the Bank lending rates, which of course means poor rates to savers. Meanwhile, the rich getting richer, the poor getting poorer and the pips are being squeezed from the so called middle classes. Ever more University students starting their employment with eye watering debts, and many never finding the job that will ever repay the debt. 

I was sorry the Tories got in again, but on reflection, it was probably a good election for Labour to lose. Within hours the SNP are talking of independence and another referendum. Capt. Cameron won't want to lose Scotland on his watch. Then we have the in out referendum on staying in the EU. What about the £12 billion in welfare cuts the Tories refuse to talk about and give any detail, that should be interesting. Good grief, I am beginning to feel sorry for the Capt. Watch how how he ages big time over the next five years. 

Interesting times ahead, one things for sure, it's going to get very ugly, am I right, or am I right.



  1. Eddie.
    You should have run.

    Oh, wait a minute, you can't even keep a couple of posters on your forum, let alone manage to get anyone to vote for you.

    Maybe it's because you've spent your life whining about how bad everything is for you, rather than getting out there and actually trying to do something.
    At least you we have someone that will actually stand up and be counted, rather than stand at the back, in the dark, whining his whole life away.
    I doubt you've ever been right about anything.

  2. "I doubt you've ever been right about anything."

    I am right about you, thick as a plank and for years posting incoherent dross on this blog.

    So devoid of intellect you cannot see the irony when you say " stand at the back, in the dark" while posting as an anon. I post with my name and my mugshot is out there.

    It matters not a jot to me personally who governs, but for the poorly educated, disenfranchised people like you, those living on benefits etc. the future looks bleak.

    The turkeys have voted for the Tories and Christmas is coming.

    Have a nice day.


  3. Staggering debt that we all will have to pay for.

  4. Very interesting.

    I thought the US was the only place with these problems.

    Thanks for your kind comment.

    That is a seemingly venomous comment from Anon.

  5. Yikes, America is no better. And wow, drama in the comments. I hate comment trolls, the lack of life is sad to look at. -

  6. Anonymous said...
    Staggering debt that we all will have to pay for.

    11 May 2015 at 14:08

    I seem to remember it was Labour who caused the staggering debt in the first place.

  7. "I seem to remember it was Labour who caused the staggering debt in the first place."

    Look at the charts! what Labour took fifteen years to achieve (£billions spent on improving schools and hospitals) The Tory doubled the countries debts bailing out corrupt banks in only five years.

    Don't forget the Tories said they would pay off all the debt before this year. They lied. Watch how they borrow ever more money for each month they are in power.

    The Banks and the rich will do very well. Meet the old boss, same as the old boss.

    I'm looking forward to watching the Eaton boys come apart. I expect if they are in power for 20 years they would still blame the Labour party. And the great un-washed Sun readers will lap it up.


  8. Why thank you anonymous for addressing my thoughts. My name is Ted but who are you?

  9. Anonymous said..

    I seem to remember it was Labour who caused the staggering debt in the first place.

    Just goes to show how powerful the Labour party was, for them to be solely responsible for global financial meltdown is truly staggering.



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