Saturday, 6 June 2015

Another dietitian sees the light ?

Meanwhile over in the US a group of dietitians has broken away from the mainstream and formed Dietitians For Professional Integrity who say. "Those of us who co-founded Dietitians for Professional Integrity are nutrition experts first and foremost; we went to school to help people achieve better health through food, not to help multinational food companies sell more unhealthy products"

The fact is, just about every dietetic organisation in the world is in the grip of junk food. Even outfits that do not appear to have direct links, are being sponsored by, or have members who are on the junk food payola list. It is my opinion dietitians should have no links to food companies whatsoever, especially the high sugar junk foods that have reaped havoc on health for decades. Will we be seeing a Dietitians for integrity in the UK? time will tell.


Meanwhile dietitians from the BDA are discussing Breakfast Cereals:

This chat is supported by the Association of Cereal Food Manufacturers to have an open debate around the ingredients and fortification of breakfast cereals.



  1. It's so true, I always marvel when I see "health" organizations selling out to junk food companies and promoting junk food.. sad! -

  2. At least the 'Big' forum, (you know, the one with posters), seems to have kicked the nonsense surrounding the only way is LCHF into touch.
    The Newcastle Diet, veggie diets, ones that actually treat the disease, not just the symptoms, all seem to be coming into prominence.
    All the haters seem to be getting told were to get off to, so looking up, as you say, Shootin' Blanks.

  3. "Anonymous said...
    At least the 'Big' forum, (you know, the one with posters), seems to have kicked the nonsense surrounding the only way is LCHF into touch.
    The Newcastle Diet, veggie diets, ones that actually treat the disease, not just the symptoms, all seem to be coming into prominence.
    All the haters seem to be getting told were to get off to, so looking up, as you say, Shootin' Blanks."

    Ah, the big forum where 99% of the 150K posters have left or never post. The short term quick fix Newcastle diet that does not work long term.

    Isn't it great to see almost all dietitians have had it so wrong for decades FACT. Mind you, so many are on the payroll of junk food, what can you expect.

    Next week is dietitians week, we will have much to say about dietitians. From the good, the bad and the obese.

    Have a nice weekend.


  4. ’Shootin Blanks’ ...said

    All the haters seem to be getting told were to get off to, so looking up, as you say

    All the so called haters have been banned or threatened by your mistress Frau Camp Commandant catherinecherub, you better hurry off now she needs her jackboots licking clean.

    Lots of love and hugs


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