Monday 27 July 2015

An Evening Hour ... time well spent

Summer can be such a lovely time of year, the weather should be fine, the evenings that little longer and if we are fortunate to have a garden ... we get to enjoy that little bit of outdoor space too. This time of year there is always plenty to do. Sometimes the sun shines too much, and we hope for rain. But then the rain arrives, and sometimes it brings storms ... and we may moan! Is there ever a good balance?  

I happened to be sitting indoors and came across this poem, and as I read it I did have to agree with the writer, in my minds eye I could picture that evening hour. How about you?  

Image result for beauty of nature garden

An Evening Hour

It was a sunny bright evening, an evening so calm,
The kind of evening that was inviting me with an outstretched arm.

So I decided to spend an hour doing almost nothing,
Sitting and enjoying the best of what nature could bring.

Getting up from my chair, I thought I'd take a stride
Then there was a bumble bee that suddenly came by my side.

There was a kind of music as the bee flapped its wing,
Music so perfect that no one could ever sing.

Walking little further, I spotted a butterfly
Which was hovering over the flowers and then soaring high
And I came to the conclusion as I was on my knees,
Not the richest of queens was dressed like one of these.

My evening hour in the garden was very well spent
And now I know what beauty and music really meant!!

By Pearlyn

Image result for beauty of nature garden

Image result for beauty of nature garden

Image result for beauty of nature garden

Image result for beauty of nature garden

all images courtesy of google

And after that evening hour, there may still be time to enjoy a summer's drink.

Image result for gin and tonic on garden table

now that's a different take on tea with milk please !

All the best Jan 


  1. What a pretty poem and lovely, lovely photos. Makes me want to grab a lawn chair and sit and watch the bird feeders.

    Another article on statins. Tops on my list of things to discuss with my doctor.

  2. I really enjoyed the poem and the images. Thank you.


  3. Gin in a glass for me please!
    Poem was a nice relaxing read.

  4. ah, the pictures and the poem validate our knowledge that time in the garden is always restorative! Lovely.

  5. Wonderful poem and beautiful images to accompany it!

  6. You have a beautiful space. Funny about the tea pot.

  7. Beautiful flowers.

    Have a great week.

  8. Many thanks to you all for your lovely comments.

    Roses and Lilacs - do try and find time to sit and watch those birds at your feeder, but be aware of any nasty bugs you mentioned in your recent post. Glad to hear you are finding the statin articles of help and interest to you.

    Nona - thanks for your visit, glad you enjoyed this post.

    'NC' - so pleased to hear you enjoyed the poem and post.

    Anonymous at 16.50 - pleased to hear you found the poem a relaxing read. G & T in a glass is preferable I think, but the picture of cup and jug was fun!

    Tara - it is true gardens can be so restorative to the mind and body. We should all try to take a little time out sometimes.

    Martha - glad you liked this post. I always find garden / flower images very relaxing.

    Ivy - I just loved that picture of cup and jug, couldn't resist using it.

    Gail - glad you liked the flowers ... my favourite shades are the pink hues.

    Do hope you are all having a good week, many thanks for taking time to visit and leave your thoughts - it's always good to read them.

    All the best Jan

  9. I get that. I'm that way too. Just can't resist.

    Okay, dokey. You are my last stop for the night. I was up late today and now I'm about ready to close the lid on my coffin and visit snoozeville.

    Wishing you the best.

    PS: Thank you for your continued support in my learning of videos. You are kind and I appreciate that.

  10. Thanks Ivy ... I love visiting your blog

    All the best Jan


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