Friday 17 July 2015

DCUK "Still going round in circles" and that's a fact !

1. Seriously folks the facts are these. Almost from the start of the forum of flog almost all, I repeat almost all the success stories have been achieved with a low carb higher fat diet, end of. Any argument over that? thought not.

2. For over five years a small group of low carb antis, mostly the carb up, shoot up and pump up brigade, have worked overtime to justify their method of at times, very poor or very expensive control. I am thinking of people like SarahQ aka Carbsrock, Phoenix, Noblehead and who could forget the lunatic Jopar. Today I am leaving the Bonkers one out of this, on the grounds of his diminished responsibility. Poor old Sid cannot see beyond PHAT!

3. Other than Ian, who seems to have gone AWOL, who can blame him, the current set of mods have the intellect of a lobotomised monkey, and devoid of any sense of irony, humour, or wit. This lacklustre in the extreme team, is lead by a non diabetic, recently left school chav. 

While typing this post I see Miss Whiplash aka The Crafty Cherub, has been wielding the whip and locked the thread. So what's new at the flog, it's business as usual, "going round in circles" just like DUK the NHS and the BDA et al. Will it ever be thus?

Link to the forum of flog is here.



  1. Sadly Ian has thrown his mod hat away too now. Last of the decent ones. I guess he finally saw how corrupt the place was and how the other mods carry on working to an agenda.

  2. Funny isn't it you complain and ridicule anyone who uses insulin and or a pump and complain that no one praises the LCHF dieters.
    Yet you are guilty of the same crime. Did you mention on your vile blog that one of those that you take great delight in running down has achieved 50 years on insulin with no complications?

  3. Anonymous said...

    Funny isn't it you complain and ridicule anyone who uses insulin and or a pump and complain that no one praises the LCHF dieters.
    Yet you are guilty of the same crime. Did you mention on your vile blog that one of those that you take great delight in running down has achieved 50 years on insulin with no complications?

    No complications ! it's plain to see she's not the full ticket, how else can you explain spending hours manually deleting thousands of posts, only to return with a different ID to start the whole process over again by deleting more posts.

    Vile blog is it sweetie methinks you have a short memory it's not that long ago you and your cowardly ilk were posting vile comments anonymously of course on carbo's blog.

    Love and hugs
    Graham xxx


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The best of health to you and yours.
