Friday 31 July 2015

Kale ... Sauteed it is scrumptious !

Sauteed Kale

If you've read the Bacon and Beef Stuffed Butternut Squash recipe you will see it referred to an accompanying dish such as sauteed kale. Now Kale is a very good source of vitamin B6, dietary fiber, calcium, potassium, vitamin E, vitamin B2, iron, magnesium, vitamin B1, omega-3 fatty acids phosphorus, protein, folate, and niacin ... so as well as all these great nutrients it tastes good too!

This simple sauteed recipe idea takes just 5 minutes preparation and about 10 minutes cooking time. Read on and see what you think.

Serves Four
1 1/2 pounds young kale, stems and leaves coarsely chopped
3 tablespoons olive oil
2 cloves garlic, finely sliced
1/2 cup vegetable stock or water
Salt and pepper
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar

Heat olive oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the garlic and cook until soft, but not colored. Raise heat to high, add the stock and kale and toss to combine. Cover and cook for 5 minutes. Remove cover and continue to cook, stirring until all the liquid has evaporated. Season with salt and pepper to taste and add vinegar.

See original recipe by Bobby Flay here


serve with Bacon and Beef Stuffed Butternut Squash

All the best Jan


  1. I love kale, I will have to try it sauteed! Thanks for sharing! Have a happy day and weekend!

  2. I love sauteed kale; actually, I love kale every which way!

  3. Thanks. Hope your weekend is cool. We are always drinking good liquids.

    Glad you enjoyed the flip flop adventure. I have a few every week.

    Kale is good now and then.

    Have a great weekend.

  4. Kale is yummy.
    It makes an appearance in most of my cooking.
    Steamed, with a generous amount of black pepper, freshly ground, and sea salt.
    Haven't tried it with garlic, but some coarsely chopped and mixed in there will be making an appearance next time around.

    Kale crisps are another favourite, spray lightly with one cal, and in the oven on a baking sheet until crispy.

  5. Hello Eileen, do try Kale sauteed ... it is delicious. Happy Weekend Wishes.

    Hi Amy, I do so agree with you 'kale every which way' ... so good. Have a lovely weekend.

    Hello Gail, yes your 'flip flop' adventure was a very good read, I loved the photo's too. With your weather so hot it is important to keep hydrated. Glad you like Kale, it is full of good nutrients. Hope you have a great weekend.

    Hi Anonymous at 16.36, thank you for all your great Kale suggestions ... it is good to share things like this, I am sure many readers find it helpful. Have a good weekend.

    Thanks to all for reading and special thanks to those who took time out to comment.

    All the best Jan

  6. Hey, last weekend at the Farmer's Market this lady named Beth (great farmer), had organic kale. Anyway, I blitzed it about and made a kale pesto. Oh my flippin' gosh. So good. But I've never made the kale chips yet. Now you got me thinking ... I could go for some kale about now.

  7. Hi Ivy - Kale is so full of good nutrients, so any way that you want to prepare, cook and enjoy is a win win for me. It is so helpful to share recipe ideas ...

    All the best Jan


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