Wednesday 8 July 2015

Life Is For Living ... Midweek Thoughts

Yes, it's mid-week already and I hope that the week so far has been a good one for you. With many parts of our globe in 'turmoil' sometimes I think we just need to take time out and reflect... I often do this with poetry. Some do not like poetry, whereas others always enjoy reading it. Our youngest when studying English could write a great poem. Should a poem rhyme or not? It's up to the author to decide.

I read this poem recently and quite enjoyed it - I'll share it with you here. 

"Life Is For Living"

Life is a gift we're given each and every day. 
Dream about tomorrow, but live for today. 
To live a little, you've got to love a whole lot. 
Love turns the ordinary into the extraordinary. 
Life's a journey always worth taking. 
Take time to smell the roses... and tulips... 
and daffodils... and lilacs... and sunflowers... 

Count blessings like children count stars. 
The secret of a happy life isn't buried in a 
treasure chest... it lies within your heart. 
It's the little moments that make life big. 

Don't wait. Make memories today. 
Celebrate your life!

Image result for bouquet of flowers

All the best Jan


  1. With the budget today Jan, we could be in for more doom and gloom.
    Appreciate your sentiments though.

  2. We should celebrate our lives. They are often taken from us when we least expect it, as memories of yesterdays special remembrance service for 7/7 reminded so many.
    Nice poem and thoughts.


  3. Very reflective :)

  4. That is such a lovely poem. Taking time to reflect is good for us. I like to do it as often as I can.

  5. Lovely poem. And wise words for all of us to follow.

  6. Such a lovely poem.
    The words are perfect.


  7. To you all who left a comment, thank you.
    I'm glad you liked my choice of poem.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    All the best Jan


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