Tuesday 28 July 2015

Reasons To Love Avocados? Well Here Are Twenty !

Well I know we have done various articles about Avocados but can you have too many? No of course you can't ... so when I saw this interesting article, I thought it one for sharing. Some people love avocados where others may not, but they are certainly full of good nutrients. Read on and see what you think ... avocados, may well suit your lifestyle. They certainly appear in my menu plans.

"From their heart-healthy benefits and skin-loving nutrients to their unique versatility in recipes and making snack times extra delicious, we love having avocados every day! Here are 20 great reasons why you should fall in love with avocado too (if you haven't already!):

1. They fit all diets!
No matter what eating guidelines you follow, the humble avocado works for all!

2. They're nutrient dense
Avocados are packed with beneficial nutrients to enhance the nutrient quality of your meals.

3. Avocado makes an awesome spread
Substitute butter and margarine for a healthy spread of avocado. You'll boost your nutrient intake, and it tastes great!

4. Boost your fruit intake!
Not much of a sweet tooth? Avocados are actually a fruit, so they count towards your fruit intake!

5. You'll never need a substitute
Avocados are always in season so you can enjoy them all year round!

6. They're super versatile
Known for guacamole, dips, and other savoury dishes, yet avocados are appearing more and more in sweet dishes too. Think chocolate mousse, ganache, smoothies and ice cream!

7. They're low in sugar
They may be a fruit, but they contain less than 1g of sugar per ounce!

8. Avocados make great baby food!
They're firm enough for tiny fingers, yet mashable and soft enough to be gentle on gums. Rich in healthy fats, fibre, and other nutrients, it makes a great addition to your baby's first foods.

9. They're full of healthy fats
Over 75% of the fat content in an avocado is great for your heart! In fact, having more of these healthy unsaturated fats is better for your heart than eating low fat!

10. Avocado boosts your eye health
Avocados contain 81mg of lutein & zeaxanthin, antioxidants known to support eye health as we age.

11. An avocado is an edible bowl for your favourite fillings!
Simply cut an avocado in half, and fill with all sorts of things, from sauerkraut and salsa to diced roast vegetables, a few spoons of curry or bake an egg in it!

12. They nourish your brain and nervous system
A serve of avocado contains 3.5g of unsaturated fat required for healthy brain and nervous system development

13. They make a great fat substitute in baking!
Swap butter or coconut oil for pureed avocado. You won't taste it, trust us!

14. They make all things creamy and delicious!
Need something to be thicker, creamier, like say, a decadent chocolate mousse, or healthy banana thick shake? Add some avocado!

15. They'll keep your cholesterol on track!
Battling a cholesterol problem? Avocados are the richest known fruit source of phytosterols, a natural plant compound that competes with dietary cholesterol absorption.

16. Avocados contain nutrients essential for a healthy pregnancy
Containing folate, vitamin E, B vitamins, iron, choline, and fibre, they're great for both yourself and your growing baby throughout the entire pregnancy, from conception, birth and beyond.

17. They have more potassium than a banana!
Bananas are known for their potassium content, but per 100g, the avocado fruit contains 485mg of potassium, that's 127mg more than bananas!

18. They make a satisfying snack
All you need is a little sea salt, cracked pepper and a spoon!

19. There are plenty of ways to eat them
You can grill them, bake them, or eat them raw.

20. You can make ice cream with avocado!
A brilliant, dairy-free, vegan alternative to store-bought ice cream varieties, simply blend 1/2 an avocado and a squeeze of lime juice with 2 tbsp of maple syrup and 1 cup of your milk of choice. Pour into ice block molds and freeze. Delicious!"

Most words taken from original article by James Colquhoun here

All the best Jan


  1. Now you've got me craving an avocado, Jan, and we won't have any for months! Good tips.

  2. Wife and I like to eat avocados. Good to read about their many benefits.

  3. Avocado(in the right stage of ripeness) is the best substitute for potatoes in a potato salad!

  4. Hello, I love avacado! Thanks for sharing! Enjoy your day!

  5. I have tried so hard to like avocados. Honestly I have. But I just don't. I have tolerated them in salads so as not to embarrass the hostess, but I really don't care for them.

  6. @NCmountainwoman ,
    don't push on yourself what you have an aversion to. There are people who are allergic to avocados. As all plants, avocados have a self-defense system, the natural fungicidal toxin Persin which mostly contained in a pit and skin and it is generally harmless to humans, but may be you are too sensitive to it.
    I love avocados, but I eat it in a moderation.

  7. Salads are good without avocado too. Just add spring onions or cucumber.

  8. Oh my gosh! One of the best things on the planet. Yum!

  9. I do love these but my family does not like them so much. I will have to find ways to hide them.

    Jan, Thanks so much for visiting and for commenting. Just a play of light in the night, if it was anything, I didn't know.

    Every one should have at least one aproned Granny.


  10. Hi
    I still have not gotten into the avocado. I need to try to add them to our diet. I just do not ever think about them.
    Thank you for the reminder.

  11. After reading this Jan I am so glad I love avocados.

  12. Jan,
    wow, I never realized how good avocados were for us. I eat them all the time. You know, when I had morning sickness with Nel, I couldn't even look at an avocado, but now I really like them. Interesting facts, Jan. Thank you.


  13. I just love avocados and they can be so versatile in many recipes.

    It's been great to receive your comments, thoughts and tips so THANK YOU ALL.

    Enjoy the rest of the week, and to those of you with a blog, I look forward to visiting them again soon.

    All the best Jan

  14. I do love avocado and over time used them in more and more ways. Have yet to try them in a smoothie though.

  15. Many thanks for your comment Joyful ... avocados are great and so versatile.

    All the best Jan

  16. I'm glad they are such a great food as they are one of my favourite fruits! I'd never thought of using it to make ice-cream, great idea.


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