Wednesday 22 July 2015

The mentality of the low life, anonymous low carb anti troll.

Over the years we have received countless rants from low carb anti trolls. Always anonymous, that I can understand, when you make a complete chump of yourself with every comment, it's best to stay skulking in the shadows, with never ever even an anonymous, but recognisably blog or forum name. A more accomplished than usual troll post came in this morning and was authorised. Trust me folks, this comment was a shining beacon of intellect compared to usual negative dross we receive.

Nothing could illustrate more clearly the mind set of the average low life troll. They post lie after lie, with no sound argument to offer whatsoever. The same usual suspects have run the DCUK forum for years. Over the years many complete fools have been made mods, indeed some of these blithering idiots are still forum mods.

"Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " DCUK Over at the forum of flog Sid is barking agai...":

Dumb and Dumber, I guess your cherry picking makes you happy here too.

It looks like LCHF is well and truly in the decline out there.

Newcastle diet, diabetes in remission, and a decent diet afterwards, stated by all as the way forward.
Day after day, complete success stories, and even the old guard trying, switching, and admitting they never liked fat.

Just you two left, the only ones with no self restraint, desperately trying to convince each other lack of will power isn't bad, and diabetes can never be cured, so no point in ever making an effort.

Maybe that's another reason they have a 'Live Forum', you have a 'Dead Forum' "

"Dumb and Dumber, I guess your cherry picking makes you happy here too."

Yes, we spend considerable time posting up the latest scientific studies re. the safety of healthy saturated fats, the dangers of a high carb/sugar diet and the hazards of so many medications, especially statin and diabetes drugs.

"It looks like LCHF is well and truly in the decline out there."

That has to be the most ludicrous statement I have ever read. All over the world the list of Healthcare Professionals advocating a low carb higher fat diet, for the safe control of diabetes and weight gets longer by the day. There has been an explosion of interest in our lifestyle over recent years, our blogs and website has received well over two million page views. Other more prominent low carb promoters such as The Diet Doctor and Authority Nutrition receive hundreds of thousands of views per month.

"Newcastle diet, diabetes in remission, and a decent diet afterwards, stated by all as the way forward. Day after day, complete success stories, and even the old guard trying, switching, and admitting they never liked fat."

The Newcastle diet is becoming very popular and successful for many, it's obvious why it works. I do not find it surprising why people on a starvation diet lose weight. By definition it is low calorie, low fat, low protein and low carb. So people lose weight, they lose fat from the liver, their BG numbers plummet. The same can be said for our low carb higher fat diet. The big question for those on a Newcastle diet is what happens at the end of the self inflicted torture? 

No way is the Newcastle diet a cure, of course the LCHF diet is not a cure. If the diabetic goes back to the diet they ate at diagnoses, typically around 50-60% calories from carbs, back will come the weight, the fatty liver and the uncontrolled BG numbers.

"Just you two left, the only ones with no self restraint, desperately trying to convince each other lack of will power isn't bad, and diabetes can never be cured, so no point in ever making an effort."

Just you two left, really! As for self control Graham and myself have kept rigidly to our 50 carbs max per day for over seven years. Over seven years and still on the medication prescribed at diagnosis, 2 x 500mg Metformin, and still holding non diabetes BG numbers. So my troll, that might not be your idea of self restraint and lack of willpower, but it works very well for us. BTW there is NO cure for any type of diabetes full stop! and we have urged people robustly at every opportunity to get good control of their diabetes.

"Maybe that's another reason they have a 'Live Forum', you have a 'Dead Forum' "

Yes the DCUK forum has over 150,000 members listed, but around 99% never post and the majority left years ago, although I appreciate like the Hotel California "you can check in any time you like, but you can never leave" even the banned members stay on the total member count list, and receive the regular sales and marketing emails. As for our small, but highly popular low carb forum (well me and my mates like it) who gives a monkeys how small it is and how many member join or post. More action would be great, but spreading the good low carb word is what we do, and we do it very well. Remember, unlike the forum of flog, a for profit outfit, we work for a cause and for free.

So anonymous cowardly troll where is your forum, your website and your recipe and food blog? Where is your mug shot, when will you even summon up the courage to post under an anonymous forum name? People like you contribute nothing, you stand for nothing, you are a deluded liar and a misfit. 

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to expose people like you and your low carb anti cabal, thank you for giving me another chance to promote the benefits of a low carb higher fat lifestyle. To fight and win a cause, you have to have a cause, you troll, have no cause, and every negative comment you make, has loser running through every sentence.



  1. Stop wasting your time on these imbeciles Eddie you must have better things to do.

  2. It's best to ignore these individuals. If they wanted an honest debate about something, they wouldn't hide like cowards. They come around to make trouble because they can remain anonymous. They wouldn't behave this way in real life.


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
