Saturday, 12 September 2015

Meet Pingu - My Olive Penguin !

If you may not have met Pingu the Penguin ... his family and friends live happily together on a polar ice cap. Pingu is a British-Swiss animated children's comedy television series created and produced from 1986. To this day it still has quite a following, and in the UK has occasional re-runs on CBeebies. The grandchildren have watched it and I must admit Pingu is quite a lovable character !

Simple Olive Penguins | Persnickety Plates

Now these, pictured above can be enjoyed by adults, although children may like them too! Please try not to feel guilty as you eat 'Pingu' or any of these other super Olive Penguins which are made with black olives, mozzarella balls, and carrots. Yes, they are adorable and make such a fun appetizer!

Large black olives (for body)
Small black olives (for head)
Baby carrots
Mozzarella balls
Toothpicks (handle with care)

I got everything ready then made a penguin assembly line.
Cut each mozzarella ball into about 4 pieces.
Chop baby carrots into thin disks, then cut out a tiny triangle to make feet. Use the cut out triangle to make the beak.
Slice a large olive & slide in a piece of cheese.
Stack the large olive onto the carrot, then a small olive sideways onto the body. Hold them straight and secure with a toothpick. Insert the carrot/beak.
Repeat as many times as you want/need. Enjoy!"

Recipe idea from here

Now do you fancy being creative ...

All the best Jan


  1. Awww, they're so cute. I remember watching Pingu over and over again when Daniel was little, Eleanor wasn't so keen though.

  2. How adorable! And so tasty. You are quite creative!

  3. Oh my, your penguin appetizers are so cute. What a creative and great idea. Thanks for sharing, have a happy weekend!

  4. These are great! :-)



  5. Very clever. And sure to make an impression.

  6. My kids love pingu.
    Lovely idea.



  7. Hi Jo.
    These are cute aren't they. Pingu did have quite a following,I think it still does, but of course all children have their favourites. Our youngest grand-daughter was watching it quite recently...

    All the best Jan

  8. Hello Martha, thank you for your comment.
    To be that extra creative you do need to allow time ... so for a special occasion I think these are great.

    All the best Jan

  9. Hi Eileen, glad you liked these cute characters.
    Many thanks for your comment.

    All the best Jan

  10. Hello Paul, great to read your comment here ... thanks.
    These are so good to have for a special occasion, or something a little different!

    All the best Jan

  11. Hi 'NC' and thank you for your comment.
    These certainly create quite a stir ... along with some oohs and aahs too!

    All the best Jan

  12. Hello Jane, thank you for your comment.
    If your kids enjoy pingu, they may enjoy these too!

    All the best Jan

  13. This is so cute!

  14. Hi Mrs Vimes ... many thanks for your comment.
    They are so cute aren't they ... almost seems a shame to eat them, but they taste great!

    All the best Jan

  15. your herd of penguins is adorable. :)

  16. These are fabulous! I'm pinning them, for a day when I feel like being creative!

  17. Very cute! I'm not familiar with the show.

  18. Hello Theresa (TexWisGirl)
    Many thanks for your comment, glad you liked this herd of penguins!

    All the best Jan

  19. Hi Amy - these are adorable and so good to eat!
    Glad you liked them.

    All the best Jan

  20. Hello Linda - many thanks for your comment.
    These make a nice change for a party or fun food idea.

    All the best Jan

  21. I can't bear olives but maybe they should be tolerated when they look this cute!
    Thanks for the blast back to the 80's in your recent post. I do like Chariots of Fire, such a good film.
    Lisa x

  22. Hi Lisa - many thanks for your comment.
    Yes, these do look cute and taste great ... that's if you like olives of course!

    With certain party / fun appetiser ideas black grapes could be substituted in place of olives, might not allow the penguin to stand up in this case though ...

    It's good to have a blast from the past - glad you enjoyed the recent 80's post here

    Chariots of Fire - excellent film.

    Enjoy the rest of your week

    All the best Jan


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