Tuesday 29 September 2015

Tuesday Already ... and Feeling Fine ... How About A Chicken Bake?

Do you often feel Tuesday's can be a funny day? The day after Monday and the day before mid-week, what do we do with Tuesday's?

Whereas, Thursday's feels completely different, it is after all ... almost the end of the working week!

... but anyway I woke up this morning feeling fine ... I looked out of the window and saw the making of a glorious sunny day ... so I'm wishing everyone a Happy Tuesday...

I hope you may be feeling 'sparkling' as the image shows but if not, I hope you feel better as the day goes on ... and perhaps you may wish to consider this tasty dish for dinner tonight!

Chicken, leek and Cheddar bake

Chicken, Leek and Cheddar Bake

Easy to make and ready in half an hour, this chicken, leek and Cheddar bake recipe is the perfect Tuesday evening (or midweek) chicken bake for the family. This delicious recipe serves 4 people and will take about 35 mins to rustle up. Packed with plenty of flavour, thanks to the buttery Cheddar cheese sauce and tangy leeks. This recipe uses chicken breasts but you could use other cuts of chicken too including thigh or wings to cut the cost down. 

1tbsp oil
4 chicken breasts, diced
2 leeks, washed and sliced
25g butter
150ml double cream
150ml full fat milk
125g Cheddar cheese, grated

Heat the oil in a large, non-stick frying pan and fry the chicken for 5 mins. Add the leeks and fry for 10 mins, covered.
Meanwhile, melt the butter in a small saucepan (low heat) and stir in the cream. Cook for about 1 min. Off the heat, gradually whisk in the milk then bring to the boil, keep stirring. Season and add half the cheese and stir until melted.
Place the chicken in a heatproof serving dish and pour over the cheese sauce. Sprinkle over the remaining cheese and place under a preheated grill for 2-3 mins until golden and bubbling. Serve with a green salad.

Recipe adapted from original idea here

Such an easy bake recipe - hope you enjoy it !

All the best Jan


  1. Happy Tuesday. I've got this recipe bookmarked from when you showed it before, it looks scrumptious and something I think the rest of the family will enjoy. I must get round to making it.

  2. What a great dish! I woke up feeling fine, too. We don't have as much sunshine but that doesn't matter. It's going to be a good day :) Happy Tuesday to you!

  3. Jo - many thanks for your comment.
    Hope you have enjoyed a Happy Tuesday.
    Yes, this dish is a favourite of ours, I am sure you will like it to - do try it soon.

    All the best Jan

  4. Martha - many thanks for your comment.
    Hope your Tuesday has gone well.
    This is a lovely dish, just right for any day of the week!

    All the best Jan

  5. Thank you so much for visiting my blog, My Field of Dreams. I came to visit and really liked what I saw. My husband and I learning all of this too. Our daughter who is pregnant just healed her body of hypothyroidism by going gluten free. Without medication. So we are seeing lots of great things by going low or carb free. You have lovely recipes too.

  6. Kim (Farm Girl) - welcome to the low carb diabetic blog, so lovely to read your comments here.
    I am so pleased to hear about your daughter's enabling of healing by going gluten free and obviously restricting her carb intake.
    We do our best to share informative articles and recipes ... so hope you will come back and read some more, you'll be most welcome.

    All the best Jan

  7. That looks so good. I had a big salad at Panaras for lunch and promised myself that was all for today. Now I look at that chicken and I'm hungry. I'll save the recipe for later in the week.

  8. 'R & L' - many thanks for your comments here.
    I looked Panaras up and on Wiki it says ...
    ... I'm assuming this was who you / what you were referring to?

    Anyway I love the sound of that big salad!

    I do hope you had a great Tuesday.

    All the best Jan

  9. This sounds really delicious. I love chicken and cheese together and am always interested in finding more recipes using leeks.

  10. Love leeks though they are not always in the supermarket. Looking forward to making this Jan. You find the most delicious sounding recipes.

  11. This chicken and chedder bake looks delicious, Jan. I'm always wanting to try new things to cook for dinner. Chicken is my favorite out of all the meats......and cheese.....Yummy.

    Have a good rest of the week.


  12. It is appealing to look at. I can almost smell it.

    Thanks for visiting.

    Have a blessed week.

  13. Chicken and cheese are always popular here, I like things which are quick and easy for during the week.
    Lisa x

  14. Jennifer - many thanks for your comment.
    Hope you enjoy the recipe ... chicken, cheese and leeks are a great taste combination.

    All the best Jan

  15. Denise - thank you for your comment.
    This is a nice no nonsense recipe idea - hope you may try it soon!

    All the best Jan

  16. Sheri - many thanks for your comment.
    Chicken does make the basis of many of our favourite dishes, and I love to share recipe ideas.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    All the best Jan

  17. Gail - many thanks for your comment.
    It does smell great when cooking this type of meal ...

    Hope you have some good days to end the week!

    All the best Jan

  18. Lisa - thank you for your comment.
    Sometimes you just need a quick, easy and tasty meal for all the family to enjoy ...
    I think this one fits the bill for many!

    Hope the rest of your week goes well.

    All the best Jan

  19. Sounds pretty simple to make, but delicious! I'm always looking for quick and easy recipes to fix...and not just on Tuesdays:)

  20. Rose - many thanks for your comment.
    Yes, this easy and tasty dish is good on any day of the week !

    All the best Jan


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