Thursday 1 October 2015

Take Four Lovely Days and a Slice of Low Carb Pear Cake ...

Early summer in the lake district

A trip to Maldon

A windy day at Barton-on-Sea

A pleasant hour by the lake 

Just been looking at some pictures of visits from earlier this year, which I thought I'd put up on the blog - well why not !

Now I may also enjoy a slice of Low carb Pear, Cinnamon and cream sponge cake later ... see how to make it below.


100g ground almonds
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 large eggs
1 tablespoon of melted butter
2 tablespoons of double cream
2 tea spoons of cinnamon
120 grams of pear quarters

Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl. Almonds, baking powder and cinnamon.
Melt the butter, I use a Pyrex jug, add the eggs, cream, then add the dry ingredients and mix well. Pour mix into a 6" x 3" micro-wave safe glass dish, cook at 700 watts for 3 minutes. Allow to cool and cut in half. Spread on extra thick cream and add tinned pear quarters, dust with cinnamon powder. (Of course you could use fresh pears if preferred.)

Serves six.

All the best Jan


  1. Love the images is good to look back on beautiful days that we have enjoyed.

    I love pears.....I rarely eat cake of any kind (I do not have a sweet tooth)
    But it has three of my favourite ingredients almonds cinnamon and pears, so in this instance I will.

    I tried the sardine recipe that you showed here and I really enjoyed it.
    I shall be using it again.....made a great lunchtime meal.

  2. There's nothing like looking back at holiday photos with blue skies to cheer you up on grey days. We've got a mist here again this morning, it's been taking till the afternoon to clear but then we've had some lovely sunny afternoons. I shall remember this recipe, I've been promised some pears by my next door neighbour but they're on holiday at the moment so they haven't been harvested yet.

  3. What wonderful photos, greetings!

  4. Cheryl
    Thank you so much for your lovely comments here.
    I do agree photo's are great to have and look back on - they can evoke so many special memories.
    This is a very nice recipe and not too sweet to taste, we enjoy it ... hope you do to.

    So nice to have feedback from the sardine recipe, and glad you enjoyed it.

    Happy October Wishes

    All the best Jan

    Note: If anyone else may like to try the sardine recipe it's here

  5. Jo
    Many thanks for your comments here, I always enjoy reading them.
    You can't beat fresh pears, although I do often use tinned ones for this recipe and it works well.
    I do agree photo's are excellent to look back on and remember nice days ...
    This time of year those early morning mists can be a bit of a problem, but very often they clear into a lovely afternoon ... just right for the garden or a walk!

    Enjoy your October.

    All the best Jan

  6. Blogoratti
    Many thanks for your comment here ... so pleased you enjoyed the photo's.

    Wish you a Happy October.

    All the best Jan

  7. These photos are amazing! The food is always pretty nice too.

    Thanks for enjoying the cat post. Need one or two?

    Have a blessed evening.

  8. Gail
    Glad you liked the photo's ... and yes this is a nice pear cake recipe!

    I think I'll leave it to you to look after those cats - I did like that first photo on your recent post.

    Happy October Wishes

    All the best Jan

  9. Your pictures of your trip are wonderful, Jan. Such nice places to visit. The pear cake looks scrumptious. Pears used to be my favorite fruit when I was a little girl, and when I got older it changed to CHERRIES!

    Happy October!


  10. Sheri
    So pleased you enjoyed these four photo's, they are four of my favourite.
    I do always place pears with Autumn and they just go great with cinnamon in this recipe.

    I too like Cherries, and eat them occasionally - read more about this fruit here

    Enjoy the rest of your week and a Happy October to you and your family.

    All the best Jan

  11. Thanks for your comment. At least you'd be a low-carb choice. No spikes in sugar.

  12. Hi,
    Oh my, what delicious cake!! I only have one recipe for a dessert using pears.
    I love your photos of your adventure.

  13. Jan, this cakes looks delicious and easy to make, thanks for sharing.
    And the holiday photos are lovely.
    Enjoy the weekend.

  14. beautiful photos from your travels and the cake looks delicious

  15. Amazing images! They are all so beautiful. And another wonderful recipe included. What a great post :)

  16. man, those images are gorgeous.....and the pear cake, that's not too shabby either!!!!

  17. Ivy
    Many thanks for your comment and I loved your post on kale chips ... they are a favourite low carbers choice! A bit like this pear cake recipe, made with ground almonds it does not spike blood sugars.

    Have a relaxing Friday evening and a super weekend.

    All the best Jan

  18. Carla
    Glad you liked this recipe idea - perhaps you could try it out soon!

    Yes, those four photo's hold precious memories of such lovely days.

    Take Care, and have a lovely weekend.

    All the best Jan

  19. Amalia
    Lovely to read your comments, thank you.
    It's nice to share great pictures and a great recipe idea!

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  20. 'CGP'
    Many thanks for your comments, glad you liked the photo's and the recipe idea.
    It's good to look back at favourite pictures sometimes ...

    Enjoy your Friday evening and have a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

  21. Martha
    Hi, do hope your week has gone well.
    It was great to share these images with blogging friends ... and the recipe is a winner, try it and see!

    Happy Weekend Wishes

    All the best Jan

  22. Debbie
    Thank you so much for your comments.
    It's a great pear cake recipe, especially so made with ground almonds ...

    Enjoy your Friday evening and have a great weekend.

    All the best Jan

  23. 'The Happy Whisk' said ...

    I'm a huge fan and user of almond flours and almond meals. They are wonderful, regardless of low-carb, no-carb, high-carb. Almond flour is just plain old Good Eats.

    Have a great weekend and boogie boogie.

  24. Apologies Ivy - your comment was accidentally deleted so I've copied it from the email.
    But I do agree with you it is a great eat

    Hope your weekend is going well

    All the best Jan

  25. Always good to look back and see where we've been and bring back memories of lovely times and trips away.
    Lisa x

  26. Lisa
    Yes it is good to look back at favourite photo's ... they stir the memory.

    All the best Jan

  27. Yes, ground nuts are another one of my top picks. Nuts and seeds, if I can make them into a flour, then I'm one Happy Whisk.

  28. Ivy
    I sometimes think we ought to make more use of the wonderful nuts and seeds that are available to us ... bearing in mind any allergies, or other underlying health conditions of course ... but they are very versatile.

    Many thanks for your comments here and around the low carb diabetic blog

    All the best Jan


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