Sunday, 4 October 2015

Why so many Doctors and Dietitians are wrong!

When you hear the drivel talked about the low carb lifestyle, you have to wonder about the mentality of the naysayers. They make comments such as "it's dangerous and unhealthy" or "no-one can stick to it in the long term". They talk of diseases such as scurvy, osteoporosis and conditions like bowel disorders and lack of energy, the list of negative comments is long. If the naysayers were just your run of the mill bloggers or forum members, lack of understanding, about what constitutes as a good healthy diet, would be understandable. But so much dross comes from the medical profession. Many dietitians seem to be particularly lacking in sound dietary knowledge.

These are the foods we live on. Looking at a typical plate of food we eat, vegetables cover around half to three quarters of the plate, the kind of vegetables in the picture, only starchy vegetables like potatoes are not included.

The remainder of our food plate contains fresh meat

Or fish

The remainder of our food and a large percentage of our calories come from healthy fats

Small amounts of low carb fruits also feature in our daily food intake

Remember this diet or lifestyle is unsustainable or dangerous according to many Doctors and Dietitians, and numerous bloggers and diabetes forum members. They believe the continuance of the foods that type two diabetics cannot tolerate, and leads to their downfall is the way to go. They believe starchy carbohydrates are essential and drugs are the way to safe diabetes control. 

The foods on this post have kept countless diabetics free from complications for years, they have ensured non diabetic blood glucose numbers, a good lipid profile and safe stable weight. All have achieved good health and many on minimal or no diabetes medications, type two only.

Type one diabetics following the low carb lifestyle report large reductions in medication and much better blood glucose control and stability, improved lipids and weight loss when required. 93% of UK type one diabetics fail to get to a good HbA1c number, but very few type one diabetics follow a low carb lifestyle.

They have believed the information regarding diet from the the likes of the NHS and DUK and from low carb naysayers on forums, and they are paying a terrible price. So many will learn the error of their ways, unfortunately for many it will be too late to avoid diabetic complications. Doctors and Dietitians will pick up their pay cheques and for them life will go on, they believe diabetes is always progressive, and more than anything else, they believe they are right. They are wrong! the worst dietary information a diabetic can get, is to be told to base meals on starchy carbohydrates and avoid healthy natural saturated fats.



  1. I have to agree with you. Food is a fuel........used properly it keeps the body functioning properly. I am not diabetic but have other health issues. Thus far I have avoided medication due to the right diet for me. If the medical profession had there way I would now be taking medication.....

  2. Eddie
    I could not agree more with you and the previous comment.
    Food is a fuel and the right food can fuel our bodies. This fuel should not make us 'sicker'.
    Keep pushing the cause. So many are behind you.

  3. October 2015 at 16:16

    You would not expect a motor to function efficiently on poor grade fuel! The same principle applies to the human body.

  4. But why they forget that medications have complications?

  5. Hi Galina

    "But why they forget that medications have complications?"

    But medications make huge sums of money, no money for big pharma and junk food when people eat whole fresh food.

    “It is difficult to get a man to understand something if his salary depends upon his not understanding it”

    Regards Eddie

  6. Cheryl

    Thank you for taking time to comment here, it is appreciated.
    Our bodies do need the right type of food / fuel, and as Hippocrates once said "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."

    Regards Eddie

  7. In Terry Wahl's book, The Wahl's Protocol, she says that when she began to realize that she needed a variety of nutrients from real food and not from supplements, she started to explore what foods could deliver the nutrients she needed. Terry Wahl's is a doctor in an active hospital-based practice, so she works with registered dietitians daily. One of the most profound things she said was that she asked her dietician colleagues AND THEY DIDN'T KNOW.

    From her book:
    "I stared at my new list of the nutrients functional medicine suggested I needed for better brain health and wondered: Which foods contain these nutrients? I had no idea. I showed my list of nutrients to my registered dietitian friends, but they didn't know where to find those things in the food supply either."

    To me, that says it all.

    So when a dietitian tells me that I "NEED" bread and whole grains in order to get adequate fiber and B vitamins, I'm no longer surprised that they can't figure out that vegetables have plenty of fiber and I can get all the B vitamins I need from a diet of meat, fish, eggs, and vegetables.

  8. I realised recently that the diabetics who have failed to progress over the years because they were originaslly put on low carb diets when it was standard practice are now dying of old age rather than diabetic complications. Same for the people old enough to remember a time before "low fat" when there were no "epidemics" of metabolic disease. Soon there won't be many people left who remember the times when this was what people ate by default.

  9. Watch out for that steak,raises insulin levels more than white pasta. You should address protien and it's effects more here, you have to up the fat,way,way up and drop all that meat.

  10. "Watch out for that steak"

    I wish I could afford it, a rare, well medium rare for me fillet steak, once or twice a year. We need protein and fats to live. No such thing as an essential carbohydrate.


  11. I do wish to know about the experience of diabetics eating stakes or other meats. I personally doubt that any diabetic should "watch" his/her stakes intake. Here is a huge boneless 8 oz (approximately 1/4 kg) rib-eye stake - it contains only 20 grams of protein. I don't think many people could eat more than one. Consuming 400 grams of carbs a day is very easy, but try to eat that much meat in order to get 400 grams of protein.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Watch out for that steak,raises insulin levels more than white pasta. You should address protien and it's effects more here, you have to up the fat,way,way up and drop all that meat.

    For a T2 diabetics red meat is not a problem a steak unlike any form of pasta only gives me a minimal rise in post prandial BG's



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The best of health to you and yours.
