Tuesday 24 November 2015

Steak with Creamy Mushroom Sauce

Primal Steak with Creamy Mushrooms

If you are looking for a tasty steak dish ... then this may be for you! We like to include beef in our menu plans, sometimes as a good Roast Beef dish, sometimes as a casserole, sometimes as a 'plain' steak with salad ... and sometimes with a nice creamy mushroom sauce!

Serves 4
1/4 cup (2 ozs) butter
10 ounces cremini or button mushrooms, sliced
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 tsp dried thyme
1/3 cup heavy (double) whipping cream
4 small New York strip steaks (sirloin) about 6 ounces each
Salt and pepper to taste

In a large saute pan over medium heat, melt butter until hot and frothy. Add mushrooms, sprinkle with salt and pepper and sauté until mushrooms are brown and tender, 5 to 10 minutes.

Add garlic and thyme and cook until fragrant, about 1 minute. Stir in cream, reduce heat to low and simmer until thickened, another 5 minutes or so.

Meanwhile, preheat grill to medium. Season steaks on both sides with salt and pepper. Grill to desired 'done-ness', about 5 to 7 minutes per side for medium rare.

Remove steak and let rest 5 minutes. Spoon mushroom sauce over steaks and serve.

This recipe idea from Carolyn

When looking at any recipes, if you may need to change US vs Metric vs Imperial do use this link here 

Cheers and good health 

All the best Jan


  1. Recipe looks very nice and that chart could be helpful. Tank you.


  2. Excellent recipe, nothing like a nice plateful of steak and chips.

  3. The steak and creamy mushroom sauce look delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Have a happy day!

  4. Oooh, now you're talking, I do love a nice piece of steak and creamy mushroom sauce sounds delightful. We used to have steak quite regularly but I can't actually remember the last time we had it now, time to get it back on the menu I think.

  5. Nona
    Many thanks for your comment. Glad you liked the recipe ... and yes, I thought that chart may come in useful for readers. Of course there are also other conversion charts available on the 'internet'.

    Hope your week is going well

    All the best Jan

  6. Anon at 13.04
    Many thanks for your comment, pleased to read that you liked the recipe.
    Now when I serve a steak like this, if I do cook chips they are always done using celeriac, you can see a lovely recipe for them here

    All the best Jan

  7. Eileen
    As always, many thanks for your comment. The creamy mushroom sauce does work well with this recipe ... and if steak should be on a 'special offer' deal at the shops ... even better!

    Hope your Tuesday is going well.

    All the best Jan

  8. Jo
    This is such a lovely creamy sauce, and goes perfect with a nice steak - so hope you may enjoy it soon!

    As always many thanks for your comment, and I hope you've had a good Tuesday ... weather could be a lot better couldn't it!

    All the best Jan

  9. Hi Jan, Your steak looks wonderful. I believe I've had one steak in the past year. I've been trying to watch my LDL and my sacrifice has really paid off. Perfect cholesterol numbers at my Nov 19 checkup.

  10. 'R&L'
    Great to hear your recent check up went well.
    It's the lovely creamy sauce, as well as the steak ... delicious.

    Many thanks for your comments - hope all is well with you.

    All the best Jan


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