Thursday 3 December 2015

Lowcarb bacon and mushroom breakfast crustless quiche.

4 eggs
4 rashers of bacon cut in to pieces around an inch square or 25mm
A cup full of quartered mushrooms
6 tablespoons of double cream
Salt, pepper and dried mixed herbs to taste.
Serves 2

Mix the eggs, cream and seasoning in a bowl or pyrex jug
Place the bacon pieces and mushrooms into a non stick baking dish 8" x 1"
Pour over the cream and egg mix
Place into a pre heated oven at 190c and cook for twenty minutes.

This crustless quiche rises like a souffle and is best served hot. 

This certainly makes a great start to the day,
but you could always enjoy it for lunch or even dinner too ... the possibilities are endless ...

All the best Jan


  1. Wow, this looks delicious! I will have to save this recipe and make it soon. Thanks for sharing. Have a happy day!

  2. Wow, that looks fabulous. Definitely one to put on my list.

  3. Looks a great start to the day.

    Jenny S

  4. This looks delicious! One of my New Year's resolutions is to start eating healthier--I need to check out all your recipes here for some good ideas to make this happen. I know better than to try and start during the holidays:)

  5. oh my goodness, that does look good and i happen to LOVE mushrooms!!!!!!

  6. I want to eat this now!
    I'm defintiely going to be cooking this.... and very soon.
    Lisa x

  7. Eileen
    Many thanks for you comment.
    This is a great way to start the day - do hope you get to make this recipe soon.

    Enjoy !

    All the best Jan

  8. Jo
    Many thanks for your comment.
    It is a fabulous dish - hope you can enjoy it soon !

    All the best Jan

  9. Jenny
    Many thanks for your comment.
    There's no better way to start the day !

    All the best Jan

  10. Rose
    Many thanks for your comment.
    This is a lovely recipe idea - I think I may just know what your New Years Resolution may be !

    All the best Jan

  11. Debbie
    Many thanks for your comment.
    Now, if you "LOVE mushrooms!!!!!!" how about this dish soon ...

    All the best Jan

  12. Lisa
    Many thanks for your comment.
    This is great to start your day - perhaps enjoy it this weekend ...

    All the best Jan

  13. I love quiche and haven't had any in so long. The crust is my least favorite part so this recipe is better than most.

  14. I love bacon, mushroom, and quiche. This is right up my alley, Jan. Looks so scrumptious. There is a place by my mom's house that makes the best asparagus quiche, and this reminds me of how much I miss it. :)

    I hope you are loving this Christmas season as much as I am.


  15. Looks like a perfect holiday brunch idea.

  16. 'R&L'
    Many thanks for your comment.
    This crustless quiche is one of our favourites - hope you may have a chance to try it soon.

    All the best Jan

  17. Sheri
    Many thanks for your comment.
    Yes, "scrumptious" is a great word to describe this ... and one with asparagus sounds delicious too ... and how about broccoli and grated cheese, it makes a lovely lunch sometimes!

    I am enjoying the start of the Christmas Season. I haven't written all my Christmas Cards yet - but I'm working on it.

    All the best Jan

  18. 'NC'
    Many thanks for your comment.
    Yes this recipe idea does make a delightful brunch too ... it just tastes great.

    All the best Jan

  19. Ivy
    Absolutely 'any time of day' is just great ...
    Many thanks for your comment.

    All the best Jan


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