It is because I described a person on twitter as a bloated blogger. Normally this is the last thing I would have said, but this individual is a journalist, a very vocal one at that. And this person does not have sole rights on being negative, derogatory and rude. She of course knows this, and also knows when you write click bait articles, something has to give. McAlpines’s barmy army are clearly too thick to understand this. Hence the many tweets giving me a kicking. Which by the way, I take as complementary, when from the likes of these key board warriors. You know the sort of people, dietitians hanging out on social media rubbishing highly successful medical professionals, or shills like Slip Digby, the faceless, false name muppet, who winds people up on twitter, and then blocks them when they retaliate. I see well known UK dietitian Chris Cashin was swift to join the barmy army. Google that one up, a staunch anti low carber if ever there was one.
Around a week ago I read an article titled “All Hail High Priest Noakes” by Renee Moodie. I found the article to be extremely negative and clearly derogative of Prof. Tim Noakes. You can read the article here. As you will see Renee admits to knowing nothing about diets “ For myself, I am merely a journalist and am certainly not qualified to assess the studies being bandied about or the merits of various diets - but I do have a finely honed bullshit detector, and I have long been uncomfortable with the grandstanding aspect of Noakes's crusade.” She goes on to say “So, I won't be leaping on the Banting train any time soon.” Maybe she should give it a try, it’s very easy to follow and losing weight almost guaranteed, not to mention an improved lipid panel for almost all. We also read “Why does a diet have to be characterised as a "revolution"? Are ordinary people simply fodder in one man's obsession here?” it’s a revolution because it works for millions all over the world. And this cannon fodder remark, I am an ordinary person, am I one of the fodder? BTW I was using the diet known as Banting or low carb before Tim.
The bottom line here, McAlpine wanted to have a dig at me, how hard he tried to rally more of his ilk. When that failed he tried to compromise people who appear to have supported and followed me. He has the bare faced temerity to accuse me of bullying, yet needs a gang to try and bully or intimidate me, when that failed he turned on others. Not one word from him about the Noakes article, because anyone that kicks low carbing is cool with the McAlpine's of this world. As I said earlier, his sort are experts on what does not work, there are a lot of 'em about. Just ask Renee. Meanwhile I'm sticking with what does work and has worked for coming up to eight years. I'm also sticking with people like Tim Noakes.
Ummmmm Alastair McAlpine is a paediatric registrar? He isn't showing himself to be a particularly professional medical person hanging out on twitter and engaging in this type of twitter debate? It always amazes me when I see registered professionals displaying their unprofessional side on social media.
ReplyDeleteOhhhh just read his tweet about your post on twitter...
ReplyDeleteMaybe this is why you should concentrate on paediatrics and behave like a professional? Rather than spending your time engaging in potentially confrontational banter on twitter...?
Agree, so many medical professionals appear to be anything but professional. I often wonder what their REAL beef is all about. They serve no purpose taking me on, other than giving me great opportunities to spread the low carb word.
ReplyDeleteRegards Eddie
Thanks for your efforts, Eddie! They are not unnoticed. At this point, we need outside voices ( @garytaubes @fatemperor @lowcarbdiabetic @ushealthykids etc.) to inspire and ignite change... Thanks again
ReplyDeleteWait, the debate here is not about the diet. It's about the persist abuse and name calling you guys shell out at anyone who dares to question the diet. Calling someone "bloated" is rude, and how someone looks has nothing to do with their opinions.
ReplyDelete@ Andrew Smit
ReplyDeletePeople are dying in their thousands every day of the week, from extremely poor dietary advice. Over the years I have got a bit cheesed off with morbidly obese people telling me and many others our diet is wrong.
Everyone has the right has to be as fat as a house, but maybe commenting negatively, on others who have found a dietary method to be their salvation, is looking for trouble. Maybe Renee can give us an alternative method to control weight and type two diabetes. And don't tell me it's drugs, they don't work.
That's not the point, you're calling someone fat. That's rude. Apologise.
ReplyDeleteI agree - is she's making derogatory remarks about an established and well renowned professor in his field - then she was asking for it really.
Put up or shut up I say.
Get your facts right I called her a bloated blogger, she looks bloated to me, was I wrong?
ReplyDeleteAnyway who the hell are you to tell me what to do? What's your angle, are you a bloated blogger?
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately that is how the world of social media is,
If your going to put yourself out there and be rude and derogatory about other well respected individuals, then sometimes there's going to be backlash, and not everybody will take kindly to it (i.e. there's a rude response in return).
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. That what I was always taught.
Ok, I apologise (see how easy that was). What did you mean by bloated?
ReplyDeleteAnd no, I'm not a "bloated blogger" I'm trying to engage you to see why people are angry at you, but I see that was a fruitless quest now.
I treat people the way they treat me. Prof. Tim Noakes is a friend, you attack my friends, I will attack you. It's an old fashioned concept, it's called loyalty.
Ok, perhaps look up the words insult and criticism in the dictionary.
ReplyDeleteYou utter scum bag.
ReplyDeleteYou have used a post about some unfortunate woman dying, to simply have a pop at another forum you are completely obsessed with.
Hope you can sleep at night.
Actually, hope you wake screaming, when you realise what you have done to her memory, you low life.
You have shown nothing is beneath you.
Go on then you scum, post this link so the world can see how low you will go.
I bet you haven't the bottle.
I dare you to prove me wrong!
Bag of Scum said...
ReplyDeleteGo on then you scum, post this link so the world can see how low you will go.
I bet you haven't the bottle.
I dare you to prove me wrong!
But surely Sid would have approved the fact the unfortunate lady had access to biscuits which eventually lead to her demise ?
You can see his views on biscuts here Sid Bonkers
Be careful with your BP mate I can almost see the steam coming out of your ears !!
Wishing you a merry Christmas
On behalf of the Low Carb Diabetic team
Graham xx
So, you approve of Eddie taking the piss out of a poor women that died, just to have a go at a forum you hate?
ReplyDeleteI bet you won't approve this comment, will you Graham xx?
You haven't the bottle to.
Cowardly, gutless, faceless, anon.
ReplyDeleteHave you considered professional help? I see deep long term psychosis in you, probably dates back to childhood. Read Marcus Aurelius, what is it you seek?
Eddie, why not change your settings to reject anonymous comments? If someone has a legitimate comment, they need to show who they are.
ReplyDeleteLinda said...
ReplyDeleteEddie, why not change your settings to reject anonymous comments? If someone has a legitimate comment, they need to show who they are.
Hi Linda, we do have genuine anonymous comments on this blog who might not have google accounts to preclude them from commenting would not be right in my view, that said as you know we authorise them before publishing, many from the trolls are deleted but we allow the odd one or two through to show what sad little keyboard warriors they are.
Merry Christmas
All over the world, thousands of patients, not just diabetics, are significantly improving their health - or rather, returning it to what it was before low fat diets were invented. A small but increasing number of doctors are on board. A large and increasing number of researchers are starting from the premise that low fat diets didn't work and are looking into why not and what to do instead.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile a large amount of money is being thrown at supporting the Status Quo because disease is profitable and crap diets are profitable.
Since Sweden embraced low carb, obesity has started to decline. Since so many Americans rejected low fat, diabetes rates are declining. These people are thinking THIS MUST NOT HAPPEN HERE.