Friday, 1 January 2016

Chicken Breasts with Pesto and Two Cheeses

Don't you just love roasted chicken breast stuffed with cheese. Add pesto to the mix and you have a tasty dinner ... in fact why not enjoy it soon! Just bake for 30-40 minutes and forget about it. You can vary the type of cheese you add and if you want, even cover the chicken breast with some tinned chopped tomatoes to make a cheesy tomato sauce by the end of the cooking time. This baked chicken recipe, is another winner from Libby, it is full of flavour with two cheeses and pesto. The basil flavour really comes through and is not dominated by the cheese.

Serves 4 - 6
4 chicken breasts
2-4 tbs pesto
100g cream cheese
slices of mature cheese of choice

Mix the pesto with the cream cheese.
Slice the chicken breasts almost in half.

In each chicken breast, place a slice of mature cheese and pesto/cream cheese mixture.
Place in a baking dish and cook at 180C for 30-40 minutes until thoroughly cooked and all the juices run clear when you push a knife or a skewer through the thickest part.

Serving size: 1 chicken breast

Calories: 386 Fat: 21.3g Carbohydrates: 2.5g Sugar: 1.9g Fibre: 0.2g Protein: 49.0g

Looking for a home-made pesto sauce recipe

basil leaves
pine nuts
grind with other ingredients

 you may like this one by Delia here

Hope you enjoy this dish soon ...

All the best Jan


  1. I love chicken and cheese recipes. I picked up some reduced chicken breasts in the supermarket yesterday and they've been earmarked for something similar.

  2. Hello Jo ... yes, chicken and cheese go so well together. I'm sure you will enjoy your chicken breasts later. I often buy chicken or pork for our menu plans, as they are both usually very reasonably priced.

    Although I highlighted a chicken recipe idea today, Eddie and I are actually going to have one of our favourite pork casserole recipes - as highlighted here

    Enjoy your day

    All the best Jan

  3. We aren't pesto likers but I suppose the cream cheese could be one of those flavoured ones, cheese and chicken is a winner here!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Lisa x

  4. Hello Lisa ... yes, if you're not too keen on pesto, you could use something like the Boursin Cheeses But chicken is good to eat and there are many great recipes around.

    Enjoy your New Year's Day

    All the best Jan

  5. This is so good! You share some amazing recipes.

    Happy New Year!

  6. Chicken is very family friendly in our house. Thank you for your recipe ideas. We enjoy them. Happy New Year.



  7. Hello Martha ... yes, this chicken dish is a winner. So pleased you like many of the recipes we feature. We do our best to provide a variety of articles and information.

    Happy New Year

    All the best Jan

  8. Hello Jane ... many thanks for your comments and good wishes.
    Chicken is so often a popular family favourite, and is often reasonably priced, which always helps with the families budget!

    I hope you and yours have had a good New Years Day - all good wishes for 2016

    All the best Jan


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