Monday, 18 January 2016

Have you Diabetes - Have you been newly diagnosed with Diabetes ? Read more about Healthy Low-Carb Eating

"Diabetes is a chronic disease that has reached epidemic proportions, and it currently affects over 400 million people worldwide.

Although diabetes is a complicated disease, maintaining good blood sugar control can greatly reduce the risk of complications.

One of the ways to achieve better blood sugar levels is to follow a low-carb diet, and this article provides a detailed overview of low-carb diets for managing diabetes."

It was written by Franziska Spritzler who has a BSc in nutrition and dietetics. She is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator with expertise in carbohydrate-restricted diets for diabetes and weight management.

You can read more here on the Authority Nutrition site and Franziska's own blog Low Carb Dietitian can be found here 

You may also find this helpful, the Low Carb Diabetic site, please use this link here

All the best Jan


  1. Dear Jan,
    It's important to be informed about diabetes even if we don't suffer from it.
    Wishing you a healthy and powerful New Year!
    All the best,

  2. Hi Jan, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes as well as elevated LDL. My downfall is a love of sweets and pastas. The link you provided was a big help. I made note of the artificial sweeteners that raise blood sugar levels. I use Stevia but can't always find it when I eat in restaurants. Stevia is more expensive than the bad sweeteners so restaurants don't offer it to their customers.

  3. Thank you, Jan. I've bookmarked these links and will read and study them further. I know that the first couple of years when I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and counted my carbs and followed a low carb diet, my A1C stayed at 5.7. I have gotten lax about it in recent years so maybe this will help me focus better.

  4. Hi Jan - definitely a disease to avoid if possible ... and losing weight helps - my next project! I don't have diabetes .. and aim to keep it that way - Cheers Hilary

  5. Olympia
    Thank you for your comment - and a Happy and Healthy New Year to you too.
    Information is definitely the key word here and this blog aims to do just this!

    Enjoy the rest of your week - and have a great January too!

    All the best Jan

  6. 'R&L'
    Many thanks for your comment.
    I often think it good practice - if you know a food is not going to be good for you - don't have it in the house!
    So pleased this article has proved helpful, as I said above to Olympia, information is key and we will continue to do our best to supply it ...

    Good wishes for January

    All the best Jan

  7. Dewena
    Thank you for your comments here ... and I am so pleased you've bookmarked them.
    Your "A1C stayed at 5.7" whilst low carbing and counting the carbs, that is good. Eddie's A1C is always that of a non diabetic, but it is thanks to the Low Carb High Fat lifestyle / menu plans we follow.

    I don't know what your current readings are but hopefully you will keep them in a safe place!

    Hope the rest of this week goes well for you.

    Take Care

    All the best Jan

  8. Hilary
    Many thanks for your thoughts and comments here.
    Yes, it's definitely a good thing if we all do our best to keep the weight off.
    It doesn't only help with pre-diabetes and diabetes but so many other illnesses as well.
    Don't we owe it to ourselves, and family, to keep as healthy as possible!

    Hope you have a great January, and keep warm, it's been a little chilly in the UK

    All the best Jan


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The best of health to you and yours.
