Saturday night again and music night on this blog. Supertramp for me was one of the best bands of my generation. Around 40 years ago I got a job as an Engineer with a firm who supplied me a brand new company car. It was the first new car I ever drove, and much better and faster than the old junk I had been driving. It was also the first car I ever drove with a good sound system. I went up to head office by train for a weeks induction course and to pick up the car. I took with me a cassette tape of super tramp, and took the long way home on fast roads playing Supertramp and this track. Happy days, the days when everything was simple, before I got on the rat race treadmill, and more wanted more, until I became seriously ill. Eddie
Read more about Roger Hodgson here
The 50's a great era to be born! LOL!
All the best Jan
I love Super Tramp... I know almost all the words to The Breakfast In America album... they were highly talented and put out some amazing songs xox