Saturday 23 January 2016

The Eagles - Hotel California - Concert Live Acoustic

Saturday night and music night again on this blog. Another week goes by and another great musician passes away. The Eagles, easily one of the best bands of my generation, Jan saw them as teenager, one of our favourite bands. Glenn Frey RIP. Eddie


  1. I've always been an Eagles fan and really like this Acoustic version. Music lives on and it's very special ...

    RIP Glenn


  2. By far one of my favorites, too. If I could only listen to two bands for the rest of my life I would choose the Eagles and the Beatles. Their music is so different from each other, but both oh soooooooooooooooooo goooooooooood !!!

  3. There's a beautiful tribute to Glenn Frey at The Big Picture blog, for those interested:

  4. Connie
    Yes The Beatles and The Eagles ... good choices.

    Many thanks for your comment - hope you've had a good weekend

    All the best Jan

  5. Steve
    Thank you so much for this link ... I found it a most interesting article to read

    All the best Jan


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