Wednesday, 3 February 2016

DCUK the forum of flog update.

After much noise and trumpeting, is the flog's low carb program another failed initiative? The flog have stated 40,000 people have signed up for the low carb diet program. But early reports stated the flog's idea of low carb was 150 grams per day, a very long way from a true low carb diet. This appears to have been confirmed by a member commenting on the much hyped 2016 recipe book. A free down load, for members only, once the member has parted with more private information. 

While on the subject of the flog, I see the nominations for new mods thread has now been closed and locked. I can fully appreciate most honest people with a shred of integrity would not want to clasp the poisoned chalice, but was somewhat disappointed some low carb members, and in the past highly vociferous nominees, requested their names be struck from the list. These people had a chance to restore some honesty to the forum moderation, a very tall order, I agree, but a possible chance thrown away. Granted, it is highly likely the new mods will be a chip off the present corrupt and toadying block.

BTW I see the number of members quoted has gone up massively in the last few months, and now stands at "Join 419,563 members today and get a free member pack" with way less than a 1000 members posting a day, I reckon that is less than one quarter of one percent of the membership, posting per day at best, not exactly on fire these days is it. Not hard to see why the big name advertisers checked out long ago.

A new feature is the x1 button which has been received enthusiastically, rather ironic, when you think not so long ago, low carb members posting +1 on a good news low carb thread, were banned. One thing is for sure, the Flog works in mysterious ways. I suspect it will ever be thus.


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