Friday, 26 February 2016

Even small improvements in blood glucose levels can result in huge benefits

Sanofi, Diabetes UK and JDRF today announce the publication of IMPACT 2 in the journal Diabetic Medicine.

This new study shows that, if sustained, even modest improvement in blood glucose levels can provide significantly improved outcomes for the 3.5 million people diagnosed with diabetes in the UK. As a result, if applied to the whole diabetes population, almost a million serious medical complications, such as blindness, amputation and kidney failure could be avoided over 25 years, improving the lives of people with diabetes.Better management of blood glucose levels over the same period could equate to a cost avoidance of £5.5 billion for the NHS.

IMPACT 2 is a study based on data and population modelling. It is the outcome of a collaboration between Diabetes UK, JDRF and Sanofi, and the analysis was completed by IMS and the York Health Economics Consortium. It quantifies the patient and financial benefit over 25 years of earlier intervention for better controlling blood glucose. The findings highlight results that could have a significant impact for people with diabetes and NHS budgets:

• For people with Type 2 diabetes the figure of potentially preventable complications is 870,000 equating to a cost avoidance of £4.5 billion over 25 years for the NHS.

Chris Askew, Diabetes UK Chief Executive commented, “IMPACT 2 demonstrates that even small improvements in blood glucose levels can result in huge benefits for people with diabetes with the potential to stop 23,000 people suffering severe kidney failure, almost 160,000 leg ulcers and amputations and over 50,000 people suffering severe loss of vision. This should be a priority for all those involved in providing care for people with diabetes.” He continued, “Preventing Type 2 diabetes through public health initiatives is of course the best way of reducing spend long-term, however much greater efforts are needed to ensure all people with diabetes get the support and care they need for a good quality of life and better health outcomes.”

Karen Addington, Chief Executive of JDRF in the UK, agreed, adding, “People with Type 1 diabetes are routinely still receiving poorer care and are less likely to be meeting NICE recommended blood glucose targets, when compared to people with Type 2 diabetes. The IMPACT 2 results show the benefit to people living with Type 1 diabetes and the NHS in providing appropriate care, support and education to help people manage their condition.”

Blood glucose management in the UK

The report is published against a backdrop of blood glucose management in the UK being amongst the worst in Europe and around two thirds of all people with diabetes in England not achieving the treatment targets recommended by National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).  In addition, despite well-documented benefits of reducing complications through timely control of blood glucose, levels are too high before additional interventions are provided. On average, people in the UK with Type 2 diabetes have the highest blood glucose levels (HbA1c 9.8 per cent) when compared to nine other developed countries, at the point of insulin initiation.

“The scale of the findings have important implications for clinical practice in the NHS. In a cost constrained healthcare system, interventions, medical or otherwise, will always be required to justify any improvement in patient outcome against cost. For the first time clinicians have clear evidence of the reduction in spending that could be conferred by reducing serious diabetes related complications through better blood glucose control,” says Professor Steve Bain, Professor in Medicine (Diabetes), University of Swansea.

NHS spend on diabetes is on the increase 

NHS spend on diabetes is already considerable and on the increase. IMPACT 1 showed that diabetes costs the NHS £10 billion each year – around £1 million an hour – which is about 10 per cent of the entire NHS budget.  Nearly 80 per cent of these costs are attributable to treating avoidable complications, which could potentially be reduced through better management of diabetes, including improved blood glucose control. Diabetes is now the leading preventable cause of sight loss in people of working age in the UK and 135 amputations are carried out every week as a result of poor management of the condition.

“Diabetes is a major healthcare problem with a large and increasing number of people in the UK suffering from avoidable microvascular complications such as kidney disease and foot amputations because their blood glucose levels are too high. IMPACT 2 quantifies the reduction in the number of complications, and the potential cost avoidance if modest improvements to patients’ blood glucose levels were made. There is the potential to generate real improvements in outcomes for patients with diabetes by making even small but sustained improvements in their blood glucose levels,” explains Dr Mike Baxter, Consultant Advisor to Sanofi Diabetes and lead author of the study.

With average HbA1c levels of 9.8% it going to take more than a small improvement to get to a safe place, LC is the answer but that's a diet DUK do not approve of  which is good news for Sanofi profits 


1 comment:

  1. Dr David Unwin showed a reduction in costs of £10 000 - £30 000 by using low carb for his diabetics. If all doctors did this there would be drug companies and "food" manufacturers going to the wall right left and centre. That's why doctors are not told how to do this. Meanwhile even on the ADA Forum patients routinely achieve huge improvements including normalisation of BG, BP and lipids. The ADA takes no notice either. Look at their sponsors to see why. Then look at the sponsors of DUK and pretty much all "health" charities in all countries.

    Producing a small improvement using more and more expensive drugs is profitable. That's why doctors are told to do this.

    Prove me wrong . . .


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