Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Orange Mousse : The Low Carb Way

I've always enjoyed mousse as a dessert, such a lovely way to round off a delicious meal. This lovely recipe is for a light and fluffy orange mousse and it makes a nice refreshing dessert, a great end to your low carb meal. You may add a splash of orange liquor, such as Cointreau or Grand Marnier, to give it an indulgent kick. 

Ingredients (make 8 small glasses):
3.2g carb per portion
4 sheets of leaf gelatine
zest of 2 oranges, juice of 1
4 eggs separated
100g erythritol (powdered)
300ml double cream

1. Soak the gelatine in cold water to soften it. Heat the orange juice in the microwave for 30 sec. Squeeze the excess water from the gelatine, add to the hot juice and stir to dissolve. Set aside to cool.
2. Put the egg yolks, erythritol and orange zest into a bowl and whisk over a saucepan of hot water for 10 mins until thick and foamy. Remove from the heat and continue whisking until completely cool.
3. Fold the gelatine and orange mix into the egg yolk mixture. In separate bowls, whisk the egg whites and cream until both are softly stiff, then gently fold into the orange mix. Spoon into 8 glasses and chill until set. Decorate with slice of orange. The mousse can be refrigerated for up to 2 days.

Enjoy, I'm sure you will!

This lovely recipe idea is from Ewelina ... and here she is

Ewelina is a Type 1 Diabetic ... here is what she says "Diabetes and cakes doesn’t sound like a great combination. Well not to me, I have always loved baking and after diagnosis with diabetes type 1 in 2011 I had to find some way of combining these two. It is quite challenging and anyone who knows a little bit about baking will agree with me. How to bake without using flour or sugar?! After long research and checking hundreds of recipes I came across some great ideas. There are sugar substitutes that work quite well in most recipes and there are many different low carb flours and flour substitutes. I’m still learning and discovering new products and recipes but with every cake I make I know more and more. Now I’m convinced that low carb cakes can be delicious and we don’t need to feel sorry for not having regular cakes. Cakes from my blog are equally good (if not better) and you can eat them without worrying too much about your sugar levels"

... this mousse would make a great dessert for Valentine's Day wouldn't it!

All the best Jan


  1. Hello, the orange mousse looks delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  2. That definitely sounds refreshing, Jan.

    I loved seeing the birds from your world in your last post. It's always so interesting to me :)

    I hope you're warm where you live. It's going to be 8F here tonight.... Yikes!


    PS Ironically, the proove your not a robot thing asked to click on 3 types of bread LOL

  3. Looks a good recipe idea.
    Yeah those prove your not a robot things do through up some interesting pictures.
    Wonder what i'll get, Its cactus


  4. Thank you for sharing my recipes :) I wish I could bake something to share with you!

  5. Eileen
    Many thanks for your comment, so pleased you liked this recipe.

    All the best Jan

  6. Rue
    Thank you for your comment.

    Glad you've enjoyed reading the last few posts.
    We've enjoyed some sunshine today, and the birds have been singing, which is lovely to hear.

    Hope you may get to try out this lovely mousse recipe.

    All the best Jan

    PS The 'captcha' pictures are quite random aren't they ... we have no control over them.

  7. Ben
    Many thanks for your comment, this was definitely a great recipe to share, and hope you may get to try it soon ... perhaps Valentines Day?

    Those 'captcha' images can provide frowns and merriment ... you never know what you will be asked to match up ... and it can be annoying when you sometimes do not match the images correctly ... but we have no control over what images appear. But we are always pleased to receive yours (and all) comments.

    All the best Jan

  8. Ewelina
    Thank you so much for taking time to comment.
    Your recipes all look wonderful ...
    I do like raspberries and yogurt, so I will pretend it is summer and you have recently made a cake for me - like this one here:

    Hope your week is going well

    All the best Jan

  9. Just made this. In the fridge. Didn't have powdered erythritol so used Splenda instead. Didn't use all the egg whites and cream as it felt like it would dilute the orange taste too much. But I think it'll be good.

  10. Kurt
    Thank you for your comment.
    Hope you may have now enjoyed this mousse, and may make it again.

    All the best Jan


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The best of health to you and yours.
