Tuesday 22 March 2016

Brighton. Bleasdale. Brilliant. Broccoli !

It is quite a few years that I last visited Brighton, and although I have been around the Forest of Bowland area, I don't think I've ever visited Bleasdale ... it may be something to put right later this year? So why are you writing about them I hear you ask ...

Well sometimes on my visits around the many blogs I visit, I may just see an image that strikes a chord, and I really like it. Take this one below, the big bike and the 'oh so sweet' bike. It was taken by Ian Charters, who writes on a blog called 'Just Us and A Few Friends'. I like to visit his blog for the stunning scenery images, and to know a little bit more about the wonderful areas he visits. Just look at his Great Langdale photo's here, now that is a place where Eddie and I have visited...

This photograph was taken in not such good weather, at the Bleasdale Circle Fell Race. Apparently car parking was in short supply at Bleasdale School, so to encourage runners to leave their cars at home there was a discount for anyone who cycled to the race. Clearly it proved attractive to all ages...

Above photo from Ian's blog here ... thanks Ian 

So now to Brighton, you can see some sort of theme here - the letter B! Now Brighton came to mind because it has recently been voted as a top destination to visit during 2016 see here.

Not only does it have interesting places to visit like the Royal Pavilion pictured above and 'The Lanes' for it's many shops, but it holds the annual London to Brighton Bike Ride and also the London to Brighton Veteran Car Run, so much going on! In fact family members have taken part in the cycle run ... me I'm just a supporter LOL!  

getting ready for the London to Brighton Bike Ride, see here

it was a foggy day in London - November 2015 - see more here
what a great vehicle it dates to 1899, and how about the classic London Red Bus

Well, now onto 'Brilliant' ... again it was a photo I couldn't resist. It's two of our wonderful, and of course brilliant, grandchildren - perhaps following in their Daddy's footsteps - he is a professional photographer... and who knows? 

How about this? I thought is was great ... but then I would, wouldn't I ...

I'm glad they had their warm hats on. I'm told it was a chilly day and they went home and enjoyed a nice chicken and broccoli dinner. They've both always loved broccoli - I think their dish was similar to this.

Chicken Fillets with Cheesy Stuffed Mushrooms and Green Vegetables
You can see the low carb recipe, including broccoli,  here

Thanks for reading.

All the best Jan


  1. your post is very interesting and informative as well,
    loved the pics i always admire scenes and and their photos ,

    bike riding is my most fav ride i cannot enjoy in the car more then bike ,you grand child will surely be a great photographer look the way he holds the camera so sweet

  2. Oh yum! The chicken and broccoli looks great. I had been planning to make chicken breast fillets today for dinner. The mushrooms had not occurred to me to go with the chicken. I am trying to get my diabetic husband to eat healthier for the sake of both of us. I saw your comment at JoAnn's "Scene Thru My Eyes". I am always interested in the low carb discussion. Thank you for inspiration for tonight's dinner. Your newest follower.... Candy

  3. Your grandchildren do look brilliant, what fun they must have had.


  4. i am always amazed at the talent in blogland, i have learned so much by viewing all the images people share!! we eat a lot of chicken, this looks like another great dish!!!!

  5. quite the sights...love the car!

  6. Baili
    Thank you for your comment. This post ended up with quite a different array of things to read and look at. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I really couldn't resist putting the one of the grand-children on.

    All the best Jan

  7. Candy
    Thank you for your comment, and a warm welcome to the low carb diabetic blog. I am sure you will find many articles, and recipes, of interest for you and your husband. We hope you will come back and visit soon.

    All the best Jan

  8. Sue
    Thank you for your comment. They do enjoy taking pictures ... and some turn out very nice too.

    All the best Jan

  9. Debbie
    Thank you for your comment. Blogland is an amazing place - I have met some wonderful people through it, including you and your hubs. Chicken is a great favourite with all the family.

    All the best Jan

  10. Tom
    Thank you for your comment. Yes, that car is great and did you see any of the others in the link I gave? So lovely to look at, I like cars old and new. I also like trains, I've always enjoyed rides on steam trains ... and the volunteers that run many of them are such nice, knowledgeable people.

    All the best Jan

  11. Mo
    Thank you for your comment. Yes, lots of fun can be found!

    All the best Jan

  12. I love the little photographers. What a fun time for everyone. Love the chicken and broccoli recipe.

  13. I love Brighton, daughter lived there for a few years and it was always such a pleasure to visit, everyone there seems to be quirky and chilled! I also loved the bike pic, and could seriously live on broccoli! I did enjoy this post.xxx

  14. 'NC'
    Thank you for your comment.These two have so much fun and are an absolute joy!
    Chicken and broccoli are two huge family favourites ...

    All the best Jan

  15. Snowbird
    Thank you for your comment. I think everyone who visits Brighton loves it - there is so much to see and do there. Yes, there is something about that bike picture that just appeals ...
    and broccoli is just one of the best vegetables - brilliant too! LOL!

    All the best Jan

  16. Great photos and a fun time Jan, enjoyed this thank you.

  17. Such beautiful photographs, Jan. And it must be such a joy spending time with your grandchildren. I hope to experience that one day. I don't know if I will but I know I will love it if it happens!

  18. Denise
    Thank you for your comment.Glad you enjoyed reading and looking at this - I just had to include the grand-children!

    All the best Jan

  19. Martha
    Thank you for your comment. Yes ... grand-children are such fun and an absolute joy.
    As you say time will tell, if you should become a grandparent in years to come, I know you will love it.

    All the best Jan

  20. How warm and cosy your grandchildren must have been in their hats, they have obviously caught the photography bug.
    It must be good fun to take part in the the car event, I like the contrast of the old and new in your photo.
    Lisa x

  21. Lisa
    Thank you for your comment. Glad you enjoyed this post - it was a bit of a mix!
    The grand-children love wearing hats, which was just as well, this was a chilly day.

    All the best Jan


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