Sunday 20 March 2016

Chunky Chicken and Chorizo Hotpot

Oh dear, oops! Do your casserole / hotpot dishes sometimes end up looking like this? Sometimes spills happen, but lets face it - it's the flavour of the food that counts! 

Chicken is usually such a reasonably priced meat, especially if you buy a whole chicken and cook / use it appropriately. Take this recipe for instance it uses left over roast chicken and transforms it into this dish.

The addition of some chorizo just adds another taste dimension ...

These are the ingredients you will need:
Serves 4
(5.9g carbohydrate per serving)

1 tbsp oil
125 g closed cup chestnut mushrooms, left whole
200 g shallots, halved
1 tbsp smoked paprika, thyme and garlic
450 g baby potatoes, halved (optional)
200 g swede, peeled and cut into small chunks (+ extra if potatoes are not used)
100 g Chantenay carrots, halved lengthways
390 g carton chopped tomatoes with basil and oregano
500 ml chicken stock
2 tbsp cornflour
300 g cooked roast chicken
175 g fine beans, trimmed
112.5 g spicy smoky chorizo ring, sliced

Washed and chopped fresh parsley leaves, to garnish

The delicious and vibrant taste and wonderful healing properties of parsley are often ignored in its popular role as a table garnish. Highly nutritious, parsley can be found year round in your local supermarket.

Parsley is the world's most popular herb. It derives its name from the Greek word meaning "rock celery" (parsley is a relative to celery). It is a biennial plant that will return to the garden year after year once it is established.

This is what to do with your ingredients:
1. Heat the oil in large casserole dish. Add the mushrooms and shallots, lower the heat a little and fry, stirring occasionally, until they begin to colour (about 5 minutes).
2. Sprinkle with the smoked paprika, thyme & garlic, and stir-fry briefly. Add the potatoes (if using), swede, carrots and chopped tomatoes then add the stock. Stir well and simmer for 25 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender.
3. Mix the cornflour with 2 tablespoons water to create a paste. Stir into 350ml water, then add to the pan with the chicken, fine beans and chorizo. Stir well, bring to the boil and simmer for 5 minutes until the beans are cooked but still retain some bite.
4. Season with black pepper, top with the chopped parsley and serve straight from the casserole dish.

Original recipe idea here

If you'd prefer not to use baby potatoes, then put some extra swede into the pan, obviously amend recipe to suit your needs. Please take into account any underlying health or allergy conditions. If you are diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugar numbers - test is best i.e. use your meter.

Hope you may enjoy this dish soon.

All the best Jan


  1. My casserole dishes usually end up with spills down them too, I keep a foil tin in the bottom of the oven to catch any drips so that I don't have to clean my oven too often. This looks like a lovely dish, a very good way to use up leftover chicken.

  2. One-pan meals are about the only things I can cook - I reckon the secret of cooking is timing. Perhaps I should have waited before saying that. Love chorizo with chicken - unbeatable combination. Does your advice about parsley growing successfully apply to the frozen north?

  3. Hi Jan! Yes, my pots will look like this and that's okay! This sounds and looks so yummy. I don't know what swede is though. Thanks for popping in to see me and I just may make this dish without the swede. :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Jan, this sounds incredibly tasty... I like casseroles too. It's a great way to use left over chicken. I'd use the baby potatoes in this dish ♡ xox

  5. Bookmarked for very near future use :) thanks Jan!

  6. My hubby would love, love this one!

  7. That really looks good! The clean up was worth it, I'm sure!

  8. Jo
    This is a super dish to use up any left over chicken.
    Good tip about the foil in the bottom of the oven - I'm not fond of cleaning ovens.

    One pan / pot meals are great aren't they.
    Some prefer to grow their parsley in a pot - but do look here for helpful hints

    Swede is also called Rutabaga have a look here
    I'm sure this recipe could easily be amended to add a slightly different selection of vegetables - do give it a try.

    I love your very accurate description!

    Yes the baby potatoes, or swede, combine so well with the other ingredients. Do what is best for you - and obviously what your family preferences are.

    Glad you pinned it - hope you enjoy this dish soon.

    I think I keep adding to your recipe pile - do enjoy this dish soon

    I have a picture in mind of you and hubby enjoying this dish.

    It not only looks good it taste good too! Sometimes you just have to have a little clean up!

    Always lovely to receive, read and share your comments.
    Thank you everyone.

    All the best Jan

  9. I must admit I don't usually see low carb recipes with potatoes in them! I may try it with all swedes. Looks yummy!

  10. Just looked at the original recipe ... Not sure how it can have 5.9 g carbs per serve when it has 14.1 g sugar per serve ... am I missing something? I think if I leave out potatoes it will be ok. Anyway it looks yum so thanks for sharing.

  11. Anna
    This is a very tasty dish ... I wouldn't always use potatoes but add extra swede.
    If readers are Diabetic, and unsure how certain foods affect their blood sugar - always use a blood sugar meter - test is best.

    I just love sharing recipes...

    Thanks for both your comments here.

    All the best Jan

  12. I'm sure my lot would like this one, anything with chicken in is popular and anything which is a one pot meal is fine with me!
    Lisa x

  13. Lisa
    Chicken !
    One pot!
    A very good combination - hope you may give this a try soon.

    Thanks for your comment

    All the best Jan


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