Sunday 13 March 2016

Former Royal doctor demands statins inquiry.

Sir Richard Thompson spoke after a review into key trials concluded the pills were not effective in protecting against heart disease.

The former president of the Royal College of Physicians and personal doctor to the Queen for 21 years said: “The statin data needs to be urgently scrutinised. We are very worried about it and particularly side-effect data which seems to have been swept under the carpet.

“We have to be very wary of the doubts about statins produced by this new research and if we are wrong about widespread prescribing of this drug we have to stand up and say sorry.”

The cholesterol-busting drugs are given to up to 12 million patients in the UK, or around one in four adults.

More on this story here.



  1. Those are interesting facts in that article. Greetings to you!

  2. Thanks for your comment Blogoratti. Yes, some very interesting facts in the article.
    One for all to read and consider ...

    All the best Jan

  3. If a former Royal Doctor is speaking out may this make a difference to those that are intent on sweeping data under the carpet? Ted

  4. It's a terrifying situation when you can't trust your country's "watch dog" organizations to tell the truth. In the US the FDA says they are under funded. Of course they are underfunded, our tax dollars are much better spent on perks for politicians than on protecting tax payers.

  5. swept under the carpet is so very true ...

  6. Are Liz and Phil on statins?


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