Saturday, 12 March 2016

From Laundry Tips to Low Carb Tips : It's here folks!

Well, you can't say there isn't variety on this blog. Whether it be articles and studies about diabetes and living the low carb lifestyle, to low carb recipe suggestions, and even our Saturday Night Is Music Night - there is variety - and they do say 'variety is the spice of life'. 

But how about this one? Do you take time to iron socks? Do you take time to fold socks? Well I don't iron socks but I do fold them in half to fit in the drawer, unlike some who may roll them into a ball to put in the drawer, and others that just 'stuff' them in wherever they may fit, but how about this very neat folding trick? 
How To Fold Your Socks Into Ridiculously Neat Squares

"If you constantly struggle to find a matching pair of socks in your drawer, help is at hand. In the clip below, uploaded to Imgur by user 'rowrowrowyoursinglescull', a crafty cleaner demonstrates how to fold your socks into tiny, neat squares.Not only will this handy life hack save you some storage space, it should (hopefully) keep your pairs together too."

"Story and links can be seen here

Well having got the laundry sorted, it must be time to put the kettle on and enjoy a cuppa,
with a slice of low carb cake, have you tried one of these yet?

Who says 'a woman's work is never done'

All the best Jan


  1. Hello, thanks for the folding socks tip! I was rolling my socks one into the other. The cake looks delicious! Happy Saturday, have a great weekend!

  2. Neat way to fold socks. I remember doing it that way 'once'.

  3. I seem to recall reading somewhere that the idea of ironing socks was to kill the fungus that caused "Athletes Foot".

    No time for that in our house!


  4. I love the sock idea! Never, ever have I ironed socks.

    I'm not sure what taking it easy means...only doing two things at a time? I guess I will stay busy as long as I can. It just seems wasteful doing nothing. Following the dogs and chasing helicopters is good exercise.

    The gentle rains have coaxed the onions sets to grow above the ground and the green plants look as if they were born there. Hopefully many fresh, delicious meals will be enjoyed from the early garden.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Folding socks like that is the sign of a sick mind!!

  6. That's what I really like about your blog, Jan; that there's so much variety in it! I hate ironing, so that answers the question about whether I iron socks or not. But I always pair up socks and fold them in half. And the cakes look delicious!

  7. Socks are such a mystery Jan, I think they may be a favourite food for washing machines :) when I sort out my young niece and nephews washing there is never an equal amount of socks coming out to what went in! The chocolate cake will have to be made in the very near future, merci beaucoup!

  8. I don't iron socks but I do pair them up and ball them together. I do love Victoria Sponge, I'd like one of those cake tins where you can make individual ones, I think they're so cute.!49!3!100599392771!p!!g!!individual%20victoria%20sponge%20tins&ef_id=VtieHAAABARDDjgN:20160312161217:s

  9. Eileen
    I think many of us do pair socks and roll them up ... sometimes this may go wrong and we end up with an odd pair!
    Glad you liked the low carb cake suggestions.

    Have a great weekend

    All the best Jan

  10. Margaret
    I admire people who do it as shown in the clip ...
    Well done you for doing it once LOL !

    Enjoy your weekend

    All the best Jan

  11. Ray
    You may be right about ironing to destroy the fungus that causes Athletes Foot, although I'm not convinced it would! I did try and find out, this was one site I visited:

    But I think like in your house - not many of us give time (or have time) to iron socks.

    Many thanks for your comment, wishing you a great weekend

    All the best Jan

  12. Gail
    Sometimes it's good to pass on tips ...

    Taking it easy to me means sitting down for a cuppa, reading a book.
    Now you are such a busy lady, and you seem to thrive on having lots to do ... it certainly makes for some interesting reads on your blog, like the dogs and helicopters.

    I think the vegetables you've planted out should yield you some great food later in the year, you can't beat home grown can you.

    If any readers would like to see Gail's blog it's here

    Gail, I wish you and yours a happy weekend.

    All the best Jan

  13. David
    Well I think there are some who would fold socks like this - each to our own of course.
    Me, I do like them just folded in half and always in pairs - one of my pet hates is to find an odd sock in a drawer ... but that's me!

    What I really enjoy is a cuppa after the chores are done!

    Have a great weekend

    All the best Jan

  14. Martha
    I don't mind ironing - it can be quite therapeutic - and it certainly is a good use of thinking time to! I come up with some great ideas whilst ironing LOL!

    We do our best to provide a variety of articles on the blog, and glad you like what we feature.

    Wishing you a good weekend, and virtually speaking of course, I'll save you a piece of cake!

    All the best Jan

  15. Grace
    Ah yes the mystery of socks "when I sort out my young niece and nephews washing there is never an equal amount of socks coming out to what went in!" ... many of us can relate to this!

    Do enjoy the black forest gateau soon ... I'm sure you will enjoy it.

    Good wishes for the remainder of the weekend

    All the best Jan

  16. Jo
    I'm a folder in half sock person! But I think many are like you and roll them ...

    I always enjoy visits to Lakeland, they have an enormous range of kitchen goodies don't they. Yes, miniature sponge cakes can be quite delicious ...

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend

    All the best Jan

  17. i am a sock folder but i really like this idea.....i'm going to try it!!!!! and i don't iron, anything. if it needs ironing i don't buy it!!!!

  18. Great piece of news, folding the socks and pieces of low carb cakes, yum yum.

  19. Debbie
    It is a neat idea isn't it!
    ... "if it needs ironing i don't buy it!!!!" that could be a good tip!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend

    All the best Jan

  20. I don't think I'll be going to all that trouble folding socks anytime soon, but it's a neat little video ;)

    Those desserts are calling my name, but since I'm laying off sweets for awhile, I'm glad I don't have the ingredients LOL

    Have a lovely rest of your weekend.


  21. Bob
    Welcome to the low carb diabetic blog ...
    Those cakes sure are yum ...

    Thanks for your comment, enjoy the rest of the weekend

    All the best Jan

  22. Rue
    I can't say I've tried folding my socks like that yet, but I thought it was an interesting clip to watch.

    These cakes featured are lower in carbs / sugar than some desserts because they both use ground almond ... you may want to give them a try ... I'll leave it up to you.

    The weekend goes so quickly doesn't it, I'll certainly enjoy the remaining day.

    Do hope your weekend has been a good one, thanks for your comment.

    All the best Jan

  23. Let me think what I would enjoy doing more ... Ironing socks? Or writing new bakes? Hmmm, that's a tough one. Ironing socks? Or writing bakes?

    Gosh, that's a head scratcher.

  24. Oh my, these desserts look amazing. The sponge cake looks moist and Yummy. :)


  25. If I accidentally buy something that needs ironing, it sits in a "to do" pile for a month or so. Then I give it to charity!

  26. Ivy
    You ironing?
    You baking - definitely!

    As I type this out it's Sunday evening in the UK...
    Hope you've had a great weekend.

    All the best Jan

  27. Sheri
    Thanks for your comment here and on other posts ...
    Yes these two cakes are low carb winners!

    Enjoy the remainder of Sunday ...

    All the best Jan

  28. Linda
    Ironing ... perhaps we love it or hate it!

    Many thanks for your comment - have a good week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  29. "Socks are such a mystery Jan, I think they may be a favourite food for washing machines :) when I sort out my young niece and nephews washing there is never an equal amount of socks coming out to what went in! "

    There's only one thing worse than losing a sock in the laundromat, and that is losing a sock and finding a pair of knickers that do NOT belong to your wife. Trust me on this one . . .

  30. Chris
    The trouble when even getting socks to the washing machine - it's so easy to drop one - and can they be found easily? For some reason ... no they can't!

    But ironing them - no I just can't do that!

    I'll have to trust you on your last statement LOL! Well perhaps not LOL ?

    As always, many thanks for your comments.

    All the best Jan

  31. Socks are actually an alien species which can teleport between washing machines. Whenever you lose one, someone somewhere miles away is thinking "where the hell did THAT come from?"

  32. I do like the sock folding trick although I'm not sure I can be faffed. I suspect I'd get quicker at it though the more I did it. I'm a roll into a ball kind of gal. I do have a drawer of odd socks though. Always good to keep as I can often pair them up again.
    Lisa x

  33. Chris
    Socks ... a law unto themselves ...

    All the best Jan

  34. Lisa
    'Faff' yes, perhaps a good way to describe this method (although some may dis-agree).
    I used to keep odd socks but then in more recent years I have taken to discarding them ...
    Now my dear Mum always used to keep some old socks and make them into hand puppets for us, that was fun!

    Many thanks for your comment

    All the best Jan


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