Tuesday 8 March 2016

Moroccan Orange & Cardamom Cake

I recently found this recipe and thought it something a little different. Although I'm not 100% sure the recipe idea did originally come from Morocco, (although with this title it probably did) they certainly grow oranges in Fez and spices are popular in many Moroccan dishes ...
It's nice to see a cake mix that uses ground almonds and polenta, as generally cakes made with polenta tend to be moist and quite dense, so if you fancy giving it a try, then please read on.

Serves 10 -12
2 oranges, scrubbed
seeds of 6 green cardamom pods, crushed
225g pack xylitol (we used Total Sweet)
6 large eggs
200g pack ground almonds
50g polenta
25g self-raising flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp flaked almonds
Greek yogurt or cream, to serve

1. Put the whole oranges in a pan, cover with water and boil, covered, for 1 hr until a knife easily pierces them. If the oranges won’t stay under the water, place a small saucepan lid directly on top to keep them submerged. Remove the oranges from the water and cool, then quarter and remove any seeds and obvious pith where the stalk was. Blitz the oranges to a rough purée with a hand blender or in a food processor and put in a large bowl.

2. Heat oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3 and line the base and sides of a 21cm loose-bottomed cake tin with baking parchment. Beat the cardamom, xylitol and eggs into the orange purée, then mix the ground almonds with the polenta, flour and baking powder, and fold in until well blended. Scrape the mixture into the tin, level the top and bake for 40 mins.

3. After 40 minutes, scatter over the almonds, quickly return to the oven and bake 20-25 mins more until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Remove from the tin and leave to cool. Serve sliced as a cake, or with Greek yogurt or cream as a dessert.

Tip - Microwave the oranges !
If you are short of time, you can cook the oranges in the microwave – simply pierce them all the way through with a sharp knife, then microwave in a covered bowl with a dash of water on High for 6 minutes.

This recipe idea seen here

Nutrition: per serving (12)
kcal 257 fat 26g saturates 3g carbs 2g
sugars 9g fibre 1g protein 13g salt 0.3g

What is Cardamom ... 

Cardamom is an aromatic spice indigenous to south India and Sri Lanka, cardamom seeds come from a plant belonging to the ginger family. They are contained in small pods about the size of a cranberry. Cardamom has a wonderful aroma and an enticing warm, spicy-sweet flavour. The whole pods can be added to dishes, or the seeds can be extracted and either added whole or ground. 

We try and bring a variety of recipe ideas to this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

Thanks for reading, and if you've any thoughts about this recipe idea do please share them in the comments.

All the best Jan


  1. This does look nice and I like oranges. I've not used polenta but remember seeing Gino D'Campo talking about it on one of his cooking programmes.

    Jenny S

  2. Hello, the cake does look delicous. I love oranges and almonds. The Cardamom is new to me. Thanks for sharing the recipe! Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  3. I wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog, however, I couldn't find an email addy for you. Seems you're showing as a "no reply blogger". I appreciate your visit!

    Your blog is very informative ~ I need to reduce carbs in my life. I'm anxious to read more!


  4. It looks lovely. I didn't know what cardamom was, in fact, when I've heard it mentioned before I always thought it was cardamon.

  5. Oh I say, this does look a little different, and utterly delicious!xxx

  6. I bet this has really interesting taste and texture looking at the list of ingredients. Thanks for the comment about Girl with a Perl Earring. We read the book at book club a while back and I thoroughly enjoyed it, the film is a very true adaptation and well worth a view.
    Lisa x

  7. Jenny
    It's nice to use citrus fruits in recipe ideas, and I thought this recipe was a little different! I enjoyed watching Gino D'Campo on his ITV food shows - if anyone wants to know more about this celebrity chef his web site is here http://www.ginodacampo.com/

    Yes, I think cardamon is perhaps not a readily used ingredient, it's always nice to 'explore' recipe ideas.

    Pat (Gypsy Heart)
    A warm welcome to the low carb diabetic ... hope you may come back and visit soon. You will find quite a mix of posts, articles and recipe ideas. I'm not sure about a "no reply blogger" ... I just visit blogs and sites and leave a comment, and welcome those that come and visit us on this blog.

    There are so many wonderful herbs, spices, seeds etc available. I don't use them all but am interested to read about them, and I love to pass on 'snippets' of information, which fellow bloggers may enjoy.

    Yes, it is a slightly different texture to some cakes - worth exploring.

    Love the use of oranges and cardamom spice in this recipe idea, one to share with others I think. Pleased you liked the look of it.

    Yes, the texture of this cake is a little different and definitely one to try.
    I've not read the book 'The Girl With The Pearl Earring but I did enjoy the film and as I said on your blog the painting is just wonderful too. We are truly lucky to have art available to us.

    Many thanks to you all for your comments, it's always good to receive, read and share them

    All the best Jan

  8. I used to put whole cardamom pods in things, then fish them out again before eating. I also used to open the pods and tip the seeds into things that were going to cook for a long time, along with whole black peppers for little explosions of flavour in a sauce or casserole. Nowadays I usually buy ground cardamom, it's a favourite ingredient in my curries. Not used it with fruit, but it does go well with lemon juice, or lemon grass.

  9. Chris
    I haven't used Cardamom seeds / pods as much as I perhaps should ... I think over the years your tastes, trying out new dishes are always developing. Yes, ground cardamom is always handy to have in the cupboard or spice rack. There are so many great tastes available, sometimes we are spoilt for choice.

    Thanks for your thoughts and tips

    All the best Jan

  10. Wow, this recipe is different. It does sound good.
    I do have Cardamom, but I never use it. I should try to use it more.
    Thank you for sharing so much with us, I appreciate it!!

  11. Carla
    I think this post and it's use of Cardamom has 'opened eyes' to show how they can be incorporated into cooking.
    I love reading about and sharing ideas.

    Many thanks for your comment

    All the best Jan


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