Monday 14 March 2016

Smoked Haddock : You Can See It Bubbling In The Pan !

Well, who am I to argue with Delia when she describes this as "a great recipe, a) because it's the most wonderful combination of flavours, and b) because it takes only 12 minutes from start to finish. Serve it with spinach cooked in its own juices with a little butter, then drained well, and you'll have a sublime meal in no time at all."

You will also need a frying pan with a diameter of 10 inches (25.5 cm).

Serves Two

12-14oz (350 -400g) smoked haddock or smoked cod, skinned, or same weight golden haddock cutlets, skinned
2 rounded tablespoons creme fraiche
1 heaped tablespoon snipped fresh chives
1/2oz (10g) butter, diced
5 fl oz (150ml) whole milk
freshly milled black pepper

1. First place the fish in the frying pan and add a little freshly milled black pepper but no salt. 
2. Then pour in the milk (it won't cover the fish, but that doesn't matter), bring it up to simmering point and simmer gently, uncovered, for 8-12 minutes if you're using pieces of smoked haddock or cod, or 8 minutes for golden haddock cutlets.
3. You will be able to see quite clearly when they are cooked, as the whole thing will become pale and opaque.
4. Now carefully remove the fish to a plate using a fish slice, increase the heat and add the crème fraîche to the pan. Continue to simmer, uncovered, for 2-3 minutes, until the sauce reduces and thickens slightly, then whisk in the butter and return the fish to the sauce briefly. 
5. Scatter in the chives, let it bubble for about 30 seconds and it's ready to serve.

Really great food ... and I must also give a mention to Chris, who often comments on this blog, for reminding me of this recipe - thanks Chris - it's a winner !

All the best Jan


  1. Hello, this is right up my alley. I love any kind of fish and I am always looking for new recipes. YUM! Thanks for sharing. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  2. Smoked haddock is a favourite of mine. As you know, we don't eat a lot of fish as there's only me who really likes it, but this is the one I usually choose when I do.

  3. i am salivating, truly!!! this looks and sounds amazing and oh so healthy. i like my spinach cooked with garlic and evoo, extra garlic please. then i "stink" for several days!!!!!

    saving this one!!!!!

  4. Hi Eddie, you had a great idea, fishy one too. I like that meal.

  5. Our fish available are very limited. I suppose this would work with any fish. Looks good.

    Thanks for visiting. I was extremely grateful for the rain. So were the plants. My onions are up and soon to follow will be lettuce and radishes.

    Have a great week.

  6. Enjoyed this recipe. You have some great ones to share. Thanks Jan!

  7. Sounds tasty... wish I could tolerate dairy.

  8. Oh yum! Another one for me to try Jan.. Did I mention how very happy I am that I found your blog :)

  9. Eileen -so pleased you liked this recipe

    Jo - why not treat yourself this week

    Debbie - your dish sounds delish to

    Tom - glad you liked it

    Bob - we try and come up with good ideas, glad you liked this

    Gail - it does work with other smoked fish too. Your newly planted vegetables are doing great

    Denise - glad you liked this recipe suggestion

    Linda - it is tasty, but of course any allergy or intolerance issues must always be taken into account when looking at recipe suggestions.

    Grace - glad you like it ... and we're pleased you discovered our blog

    Many thanks to ALL for your comments, they are always great to receive, read and share.

    All the best Jan

  10. My mother (and probably her mother, I don't remember) used to poach haddock in milk. I use water, then spread liberally with melted butter, and eat with spinach and toasted almonds, and maybe a buttered oatcake or two. And red wine but then I'm perverse! Oh watercress goes well too. Just some variations so you don't get bored

  11. Oh yellow fish as we used to call it at home when I was little. I absolutely love this but I'm the only one who does and everyone else complains about the smell so I don't cook it often. Seeing this definitely makes me want to eat some though.
    Lisa x

  12. Chris - well all of your suggestions sound very good, although I do prefer a white wine with fish!

    Lisa - yes, we too used to call it yellow fish! Is this a UK thing I wonder?

    Many thanks to you both for your comments

    All the best Jan


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