Thursday 24 March 2016

Thank you to our readers.

Over the last couple of days, we have received messages that makes it all worth while.

A comment.

Dear Jan, Eddie and Graham - I just wanted to say again what a delight this informative website is; Recipes, Research studies, the latest information and science regarding medications, light hearted humour and a bit of Rock N Roll on a Saturday night! You have taken the notion 'evidence based practice' to a whole new level - and shows what is possible! Thank you, what a delight to read.


An email.

Hello, I came across your website last night and just wanted to say how informative, honest, positive and true it is! I am a dietitian and often despair at the rubbish I see/hear being given to newly diagnosed people with Diabetes in the NHS and the misguided and confused media messages. What you have done is fantastic and I will be recommending it to anyone I speak to who has Diabetes. I also love the recipes at the end!

Very Best Wishes, Vicky. 


Post edit.

I sent this email to Vicky.

Thank you Vicky so much, as you can see I have thanked you publicly without posting your full name. 

The very best of luck and health to you and yours.

Vicky replied.

Thanks, I will be recommending your website to my patients with Diabetes. This far outweighs the advice from Diabetes UK.

Best Wishes, Vicky


  1. I totally agree with two people above, this is a wonderfully honest blog, more people need to read and follow... people need to know the truth... keep up the great work, I will share on Twitter whenever possible xox

  2. My first go to are the recipes but I always enjoy my read.

    Jenny S

  3. Launna ... many thanks for your comment, and continued support both here on the blog and on twitter. It is appreciated.

    All the best Jan, Eddie and Graham

  4. Jenny ...thank you for taking the time to comment. So pleased that you enjoy the recipe ideas, and our other posts too!

    Enjoy your evening

    All the best Jan, Eddie and Graham

  5. Thank you Eddie for uploading my post! Its Kath - I didn't mention in my comment that as Vicky, I am also dietetic trained. This is why I felt so passionate to say from my heart how amazing your work here is! I have spent years and years telling patients to base their meals on starchy foods, to go for low-fat options. I told overweight patients, those with diabetes, PCOS, pre-diabetes, the list goes on.

    I truly believed that this was the correct advice to give, as we were told we were the leading specialists in the field - that we are the only recognised nutritional health professionals that use evidence based advice practice. As a health professional you wouldn't automatically question the advice your being told to provide, and unfortunately I didn't, as I thought I was providing expert dietary advice. I completely agree with Vicky - I have done a complete U-turn after opening my ears and I now cringe at the advice that it provided to diabetics; advice that I once gave.

    Unfortunately, I can not see things changing for some time. I feel you have shown true evidence based practice - much more evidence than I ever had time to read or keep up with when inundated with patients on busy wards. Your website shows what is possible!

  6. You guys do a great job, and the recipes are a great bonus. I've tried several and found them quite tasty! Thanks again, we need more people spreading the word that what the establishment has told us for the last 30-40 years was just wrong and their guidelines have led to the obesity and diabetes epidemic. But with the right diet, we can reverse it.

  7. Love the recipes Jan x

  8. Anna ...many thanks for your comment. Yes with the right food choices, we can all make such a difference to our health, especially if you are a diabetic or pre-diabetic.

    We still have some work to do though as regular readers may have seen from this recent post here and in particular Zoe Harcombe's review of it.

    Post is, Public Health England: The dangers of a low-carb diet
    Find it here (and do read the comments too)

    All the best Jan

  9. Mrs Vimes ... thanks for your comment, and continued support - it is appreciated.
    I do try my best to share a wide range of recipes, and glad you enjoy them.

    Hey no get-up tomorrow!!
    Have a lovely Easter

    All the best Jan

  10. Lovely comments. Always good to know that you're making a difference with your writings.

  11. Ivy ...many thanks for your comment. All comments are appreciated, as is yours.

    We also thank the many readers who don't always comment. We do our best, and will continue to do so

    All the best Jan, Eddie and Graham

  12. Anonymous said...
    Thank you Eddie for uploading my post! Its Kath - I didn't mention in my comment that as Vicky, I am also dietetic trained. This is why I felt so passionate to say from my heart how amazing your work here is! I have spent years and years telling patients to base their meals on starchy foods, to go for low-fat options. I told overweight patients, those with diabetes, PCOS, pre-diabetes, the list goes on.

    I truly believed that this was the correct advice to give, as we were told we were the leading specialists in the field - that we are the only recognised nutritional health professionals that use evidence based advice practice. As a health professional you wouldn't automatically question the advice your being told to provide, and unfortunately I didn't, as I thought I was providing expert dietary advice. I completely agree with Vicky - I have done a complete U-turn after opening my ears and I now cringe at the advice that it provided to diabetics; advice that I once gave.

    Unfortunately, I can not see things changing for some time. I feel you have shown true evidence based practice - much more evidence than I ever had time to read or keep up with when inundated with patients on busy wards. Your website shows what is possible!

    Many apologies Kath for some reason you comment ended up in the spam folder and I only just found it.

    Thanks for your comment much appreciated


  13. Great to see ACTUAL medical professionals questioning the dogma that has so blatantly failed for decades now, and yet is still being pushed by The Authorities.

  14. Just had another eloquent ? comment come in from our resident anonymous troll placed were it belongs in the idiot folder

    Kind regards


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
