Wednesday 13 April 2016

Healthy Snack Anyone - here are 29 - that can help you lose weight

Cherry Tomatoes with Mozzarella See number 11

29 Healthy Snacks That Can Help You Lose Weight
These words taken from an article by Franziska Spritzler RD CDE 

(link to her full article, and related information, is given below)

"Sometimes you simply get too busy to prepare and eat a healthy meal. Having some healthy snacks on hand can be useful when this happens. Here are 29 healthy and weight loss friendly snacks to add to your diet.

1. Mixed Nuts

2. Red Bell Pepper with Guacamole

3. Greek Yogurt and Mixed Berries

4. Apple Slices with Peanut Butter

5. Cottage Cheese with Flaxseeds and Cinnamon

Cinnamon Flax-seed Pudding
1/2 cup cottage cheese.
1 tablespoon flaxseeds.
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon.
Stevia or other sweetener, if desired.
Mix all ingredients together in a small bowl.

6. Celery Sticks with Cream Cheese

7. Kale Chips

Kale Chips
1 cup bite-sized kale leaves.
1 tablespoon olive oil.
1/2 teaspoon salt.
Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Place kale pieces on a parchment-lined baking sheet and bake at 350° F (175° C) for 10–15 minutes.

8. Dark Chocolate and Almonds

9. Cucumber Slices with Hummus

10. A Piece of Fruit

11. Cherry Tomatoes with Mozzarella

12. Chia Seed Pudding

Chia Seed Pudding
1 tablespoon chia seeds.
1/3 cup water.
1 tablespoon cocoa powder.
1 tablespoon peanut butter.
Stevia or other sweetener, if desired.
Combine chia seeds and water in a small bowl. Cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. Stir in cocoa powder, peanut butter and sweetener.

13. Hard-Boiled Eggs

14. Baby Carrots with Blue Cheese Dressing

15. A Piece of Cheese

16. Healthy Beef Jerky or Beef Sticks
Look for jerky and beef sticks made from grass-fed beef and salt, with as few ingredients as possible. Grass-fed beef contains more healthy omega-3 fatty acids than grain-fed beef

17. Whey Protein Shake

18. Canned Salmon or Sardines

19. Edamame

20. Marinated Artichoke Hearts

21. Pear Slices with Ricotta Cheese

22. Dried Unsweetened Coconut

23. Turkey Roll-Ups

Turkey Roll-Ups
4 slices turkey breast.
4 teaspoons cream cheese.
4 pickles or cucumber strips.
Place turkey breast slices on a large plate. Spread 1 teaspoon of cream cheese on each slice. Place a pickle or strip of cucumber on each turkey slice and roll up.

24. Olives

25. Spicy Avocado

26. Ricotta Cheese with Cocoa Powder

Ricotta Cheese with Cocoa
1/2 cup full-fat ricotta cheese.
1 teaspoon unsweetened cocoa powder.
Stevia or other sweetener, if desired.

Place ricotta cheese in a small bowl. Sprinkle with cocoa powder and stevia.

27. Sun-Dried Tomatoes

28. Cantaloupe Slices Wrapped in Prosciutto

29. Last Night’s Leftovers
If you have any leftovers from healthy meals you ate the previous day, you can eat some of those leftovers as a snack.
Just make sure to always store your leftovers in the refrigerator to keep them from spoiling quickly.

Take Home Message
Sometimes you just really need a snack.
Having some healthy and nutritious options close by can help you avoid unhealthy and fattening alternatives."

Please do go and read the full article by Franziska and its related links here

Green Spanish manzanilla olives,

French brie and Italian sun dried tomatoes in olive oil
(see number 24)

I wonder have you a favourite healthy snack ...

We try and bring a variety of recipe ideas to this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. 

All the best Jan


  1. Hello, this is a great list of healthy snacks. LOL, I am starting to think the only way to loose weight is to stop eating. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  2. They look rather good.
    My husband once ask our Dr. how to lose weight - Dr. said, keep your mouth shut! No, that never happened :)

  3. I really need to take note of this post, my downfall is snacking on unhealthy things like crisps, I have such a weakness for them.

  4. I like my celery and Mediterranean hummus.

  5. Cherry Tomatoes with Mozzarella. Yum!


  6. Thanks for these tips. I pack my husband a sack lunch each morning in hopes that he won't get hungry during the day and go through a drive thru window. It usually works, but it's hard to keep things interesting and have a nice variety in sack lunches. In the summer he loves a bag of cherry tomatoes thrown in :)

  7. All wonderful and tasty choices! I love fresh, wholesome food.

  8. Thank You...great tips. I pinned them all.
    I like the idea of the Cinnamon Flax Seed Pudding ... yummy.

    Also thank you for the kind Birthday Wishes to Sam.
    xx oo

  9. Edamame comes from the Japanese word. It literally means "branch (Eda) bean (mame)"

  10. Great ideas. My go-to choice is a hard boiled egg. I keep a couple in the fridge, already peeled in a ziploc bag to make it as easy to grab as a cookie.

  11. Eileen - glad you liked this list, I think something like this is handy to know

    Margaret - they are good tips and ideas aren't they. I liked your joke too, thank you

    Jo - don't buy crisps then you will not be tempted to eat them! Why not have a hard boiled egg instead, or some celery stick bites, or something else from this list. The choice is yours!

    Linda - "celery and Mediterranean hummus" can be Yum! I also like Red Bell Pepper with Guacamole

    Annie - Yes, I too like Cherry Tomatoes with Mozzarella, a favourite.

    Connie - glad you liked the tips and good for you for doing your husband a 'packed lunch' Cherry tomatoes are very good aren't they, so handy to have in the kitchen

    Martha - glad you liked the list, I think there are things on it we would all enjoy

    Carla - great to hear you pinned it! Yes, Cinnamon Flax Seed Pudding is definitely one to try. Glad Sam had a lovely birthday

    Adam - many thanks for the info. Edamame has grown in popularity there is more information here

    'NC' - they are great ideas and I like yours too " My go-to choice is a hard boiled egg. I keep a couple in the fridge, already peeled in a ziploc bag to make it as easy to grab as a cookie."

    Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and taking time to comment, they are always good to receive, read and share.

    All the best Jan

  12. I'm a huge fan of olives, any type of olive. I think I could live on

  13. This is a wonderful list of healthy snacks. I am always looking for a healthy one to stop things getting boring. I do enjoy eating slices of sweet red pepper just as is, a tablespoon of chopped walnuts and a few others. Good to have the variety. Thanks Jan!

  14. I don't understand how snacks help you lose weight. But then, I don't know anything that really works and I think I've tried an awful lot of ideas.

  15. One of my favorite snacks is chickpeas drained well and rolled in spices.

  16. i could seriously live on cheese and fresh tomatoes. drizzled with evoo and balsamic vinegar!!! i try to snack on almonds mostly, when i am hungry!!!

  17. Snowbird - yes, olives are great aren't they and so many uses in salads, with cheese, even on a cold kebab with cheese, meats,tomatoes etc.

    Denise - pepper sticks, carrot or celery sticks are all good for a healthy snack. It's handy to keep a healthy snack list handy ... just in case we all need a good idea!

    Linda - well I always think it anybody wants to lose weight the first thing is to reduce the carbs/sugar we eat. Snacks like packets of crisps and shop bought cakes which have quite a high carbohydrate content should be restricted. Perhaps instead of diet we should think lifestyle and embrace a change such as finding a balance of eating higher healthy fats, moderate protein and low carbs. Of course add in some exercise and a good sleep pattern and you're on your way to a healthier lifestyle. As Franziska said in her article, "Having some healthy and nutritious options close by can help you avoid unhealthy and fattening alternatives." Of course what we all choose to eat has to be a personal choice.

    Amalia - sounds a great snack. Earlier today I enjoyed a lovely snack consisting of hard boiled egg, cherry tomatoes, walnuts and green salad ... just a small bowl but it was delicious.

    Debbie - cheese and fresh tomatoes are just great, I like turkey roll ups too

    Thank you all for taking time to share your thoughts and comments, they are always appreciated.

    All the best Jan


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The best of health to you and yours.
