Dr Zoe Harcombe PhD
The BDA is not a research organisation, it's more akin to a trade union, and a PR vehicle for registered dietitians. Zoe does not follow an accepted script, very often written by junk food company's and big pharma shills. As you can see Zoe is a picture of health and clearly has no weight problems. Oh that could be said for some of the most vocal and high profile BDA dietitians, who appear to be carrying more blubber, than the late and great Luciano Pavarotti, and look about as healthy as a week old cadaver.
Over the years, Zoe has taken some stick from dietitians and people writing on diabetes forums I call them the great unwashed. One of her crimes is to have written some excellent books "she's only in it for the money" these semi illiterates squawk, as if earning an honest living should carry a prison sentence. The BDA is no fan of Zoe, because they believe they are the font of all dietary knowledge. Trust me, they are not.
One only has to walk down any high street, or take a trip around any supermarket, and you will see the complete and utter failure of the likes of the BDA. That being said, the BDA dietitians have some great get out lines "the patients fail to comply with advice" "we can't watch them spoon every mouthful of food" "our information is evidenced based" (whose evidence? junk food and big phama's?) the list is long. The $64000 question is why the monumental failure, because the usual dietary advice from BDA members, regarding weight loss and diabetes blood glucose control, is about as much use as a rubber beak on a woodpecker. Just ask any nil/minimum medication well controlled diabetic.
The bottom line, who am I going to take flying lessons from, an ex Concorde pilot or a Kamikaze, get my drift. It never fails to amaze me, to see and hear dietitians lecturing on a healthy diet and weight control, when it is abundantly obvious they cannot even help themselves.
If you are looking to lose or control your weight, and want to know what a truly healthy diet is all about, check out Zoe's site on the link below, because not only can she talk the talk, she can also walk the walk.
Disclaimer. Contrary to what some have said, I do not have a poor view of all dietitians, I know some awesome dietitians, some are also registered diabetes educators. Unfortunately, very few are in the UK. All are independents, and as such are not in the grip of junk food outfits, as so many dietitians and their associations are.
Zoe's site is here.
É sempre interessante saber se alimentar como deve ser e seguido por um nutricionista.
ReplyDeleteUm abraço e bom fim de semana.
Many thanks for your comment Francisco
ReplyDeleteThis is the translation
"It is always interesting to know whether food should be like and followed by a nutritionist.
A hug and good weekend ."
All the best Jan
She can talk the talk - read her diet books they are not low carb yet she seems to suggest everywhere they are.
ReplyDeleteGreat pic - taken a few years ago!
"She can talk the talk - read her diet books they are not low carb yet she seems to suggest everywhere they are."
ReplyDeleteZoe does not major on diabetes control, she does promote a whole fresh food approach for healthy eating. She does tell people to stay well clear of highly refined high carbohydrate foods.
Think about this, almost ALL fresh whole food is low carb, with the exception of most fruits and some root vegetables. Meat, fish, dairy, nuts and seeds and many vegetables and berries are low carb.
So, in essence, Zoe is promoting a low carb life style.
I think you should read her book! She is a confused individual.
ReplyDelete"I think you should read her book! She is a confused individual."
ReplyDeleteSo bravely spoken anonymous one. Zoe's photographs and real name is out there, as is mine. Get this straight, an anon's negative words count for nothing amongst honest and straight thinking people.
Have a nice weekend
Zoe is very passionate but she is a very middle class woman who does not have a clue about the real world. Steak and organic salmon appear to be all she eats ! Oh and organic pork.
ReplyDeleteShe has a publishing company that is making a lot of money. Look it up it is called Columbus Publishing and funny the overweight GP Kendrick has used it to publish hie books
The photos are old - - compare the up to date ones !
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteZoe is very passionate but she is a very middle class woman who does not have a clue about the real world. Steak and organic salmon appear to be all she eats ! Oh and organic pork.
She has a publishing company that is making a lot of money. Look it up it is called Columbus Publishing and funny the overweight GP Kendrick has used it to publish hie books
The photos are old - - compare the up to date ones !"
Many would consider me middle class, but I do have a clue how the real world works. I was brought up in a Council house and left School at fifteen. Perhaps buying high quality food is a matter of proprieties. Some blow their money on expensive foreign holidays and very expensive cars, others buy the best foods, ya folla.
she does the lot - not a good role model to the ordinary people.
ReplyDeletePlus she has no real qualifications, that PhD is not of any benefit to anyone but looks good for her profile.
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteshe does the lot - not a good role model to the ordinary people.
Plus she has no real qualifications, that PhD is not of any benefit to anyone but looks good for her profile."
What planet are you on anon? the last time I checked a PhD was a highly regarded qualification all across the world. How your envy and jealousy shines through.
For what my opinion is worth, Zoe is a very attractive, very successful, highly educated Woman, we need more like her. Do you know, I am looking into my crystal ball, and I am seeing disgruntled dietitian with a chip on the shoulder.
As I said earlier, negative anons carry no weight here, hang on, maybe they do, most of it around their waist.
Sorry anon although we believe in free speech, your last two posts have descended into complete nonsense and incoherent babble. Therefore they have been deleted.
ReplyDeleteAny other comments in the same tone will also go in the bin. Let's have some facts rather than your jaundiced and deranged ranting. In short, get a life or take up some sort of hobby.
Oh just typical all you low carbers and quacks block and delete ! No discussion just your views!
ReplyDelete"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteOh just typical all you low carbers and quacks block and delete ! No discussion just your views!"
OK anon, I will bite, one more time, what discussion? All you have done is clearly demonstrated your envy and dislike of Zoe. Perhaps you can give us a link to your site, maybe some links to your books, maybe a list of your qualifications.
Let's have a discussion on the pro's and con's of a low carb diet for diabetics. More chance of hell freezing over than that taking place, prove me wrong, or shut it.
Anonymouth said...
ReplyDeleteOh just typical all you low carbers and quacks block and delete ! No discussion just your views!
Aww bless!! I can see the steam coming out of your ears ! Discussion with an anonymous nobody really, lets have a level playing field tell us who you are? then maybe if we establish a genuine persona we can talk.
Methinks you would be better off over at the bloated blogger Carbsane's asylum for she is a real nutter magnet sure you will be made most welcome there
Do mind your blood pressure sweetie and keep taking the pills now won't you
Take care
Love and hugs
Graham xx
One would have thought you chaps had no confidence in qualifications such as R.D., M.D. and PHD in anything to do with nutrition given that you have such a low opinion of the vast majority of those holding such positions, presumably in your eyes these qualifications are not worth the paper they are written on yet they are trumpeted out loud when low carb doctors or others are mentioned on your blog.
ReplyDeleteHave we said we do not respect MD's NO have we said we do not respect those with a PhD NO we did say Disclaimer. Contrary to what some have said, I do not have a poor view of all dietitians, I know some awesome dietitians, some are also registered diabetes educators. Unfortunately, very few are in the UK. All are independents, and as such are not in the grip of junk food outfits, as so many dietitians and their associations are.
ReplyDeleteStop trying to twist my words.
I would say you take a dim view of of the medical profession, seeing them as being in cahoots with the pharmaceutical industry. Presumably those dietitians you approve of have eschewed most of what they were taught so their qualifications are rendered somewhat null and void. If having qualified with a degree in astronomy from a reputable university I went on to be an advocate of astrology I could hardly cite my science degree as a proof of credibility.