Low carbing had failed her, therefore it was a complete crock, the promoters of low carb were liars, charlatans and snake oil salesman. Never mind, she decided to spend the rest of her clearly miserable life, together with a small cabal of other embittered failures, trashing the salvation of countless millions of people. It is my opinion she is a complete head-case, and I have steered well clear of her quagmire of a blog for some time. But then we received this anonymous comment two days ago.
"Looks like the low carb insulin hypothesis is about to be relegated to the dustbin of history Eddie. Garry Taubes's NuSi study backed by millions of dollars of cash has just disproved his and Atkins own theories. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot! You called Carbsane a nutter but what she's been saying for years has just been validated by the NuSi study created by Taubes and Attia. Waiting for Graham to announce this result seeing as he denies been a cherry picker"
"So, you, my friend, are going to be the recipient of the award for being the first person I’ve ever blocked from my blog. I would hate to have the responsibility of exposing you to any information that would be useless" Posted by Michael in the comments section here.
The video the low carb and keto antis are so excited about, I am wondering did these two guys spend too much time in the bar before this interview. Because as Michael says, it makes no sense whatsoever, come to think of it, neither does Carbsane and co.
Well I think Evelyn is rather dishy, you people should get your eyes tested.
ReplyDeleteThere are none so blind as those who cannot see.
Blind Pugh
ReplyDeleteYou tell me?