Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Thank you Kath.

"Lovely recipe - thank you Jan! I still marvel at how wonderful your website is! I must grab a tea or coffee with you, Eddie and Graham one day and shake your hand! What a wonderful, refreshing and delightful website this is! Thank you so much for the time you spend posting and researching and helping so many, Kath xxx"

The above came in as a comment today on the latest recipe post Jan has posted, obviously that sort of praise keeps us motivated. Of course I am sure not everyone would agree with Kath, especially the British Dietetic Association. Nor would the management of the self proclaimed "largest diabetes forum in Europe" diabetes.co.uk. The irony is we only started this blog, because we had all been banned from the aforementioned forum, and wanted a way of spreading the low carb good news to diabetics.

The greatest irony of all, is the fact that after the forum banned so many low carbers over the years, they have in recent times, been heavily promoting low carb, when the management could see some mileage in it for themselves. We call that forum, the forum of flog, because they make money from the members by selling products, and selling members information to big pharma companies for trials, as evidenced below.

So to conclude, thank you so much Kath for your kind words. Here's to getting to two million page views on this blog. Here's to many more great recipes and general interest posts (Jan's department) health related information and latest news stories (Graham's department) and general tomfoolery and winding up the spreaders of misinformation and exploiters (my department).

As you can see people from all over the world visit our blog.
A screen shot taken this afternoon of the last 24 hours. 
Please note we only get data on the top ten countries. 


"One of the ways the website makes money is by charging to put organisations such as pharmaceutical companies doing medical trials in touch with forum members who have diabetes."

Forum owner Mr. Arjun Panesar here.



  1. What a nice and well deserved comment, I was happy to read it!!

  2. Hi Debbie
    ... we were certainly happy to read and share it!

    All the best Jan

  3. That comment is well-deserved! Your blog is really interesting ESPECIALLY having three writers!

  4. Hi Kezzie
    ...thank you so much, from all three of us

    Jan, Eddie and Graham


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
