Saturday, 4 June 2016

Kohlrabi : The low carb vegetable that thinks its a Sputnik

'Kohlrabi is a wonderful low-carb vegetable chock-full of vitamins and may be used instead of potatoes, but also raw in salads,' says Anne Aobadia on Diet Doctor site. This 'Kohlslaw' is a great side dish ... here are the ingredients you will need for four servings.

1 lb (450 g) kohlrabi
1 cup (240 ml) mayonnaise
Salt and pepper
Some fresh herbs 

To see how to make this dish and other helpful links please go to Diet Doctor site here

Pronounced cole-rah-bee

Looking something like a Sputnik in vegetable form, with a squat bulb and antennae-like shoots, kohlrabi is part of the cabbage family. The name translates as 'turnip cabbage' and the mild, sweet flavour is somewhere between a turnip and a water-chestnut, with a crisp, crunchy texture. It can be found in two colours, pale green and the less common purple.

All year round, but best from mid July to mid November.

Choose the best:
Larger bulbs can be tough, so select a medium-sized one that feels heavy for its dimensions. The leaves should be crisp-looking and intensely green. Avoid any bulbs that have soft spots or yellowing leaves.

Prepare it:
Snip off the leaf stems, trim off the base and top, then use a potato peeler or sharp knife to peel it as if it's an apple. Then thinly slice, chunk or cut into wedges. If you're using slices in a salad, blanch them first.

Store it:
Trim off the stems and keep in a perforated bag in the fridge - it will last up to two weeks.

Cook it:
To roast, steam the bulb for 5 minutes, then roast for 45 minutes. Steam (up to 12 minutes). Stir fry (up to 6 minutes). The leaves can be cooked like cabbage.

Try turnip.

Details about Kohlrabi from here

Now this is a picture of 'Sputnik'

yes, maybe it does look a little like Kohlrabi !
image of 'sputnik 1' and more details from here 

All the best Jan


  1. They're such funny looking things, aren't they? I've tried growing them on a couple of occasions but they've always failed and consequently, I've never tried them.

  2. Interessante e deve ser delicioso.
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

  3. Can you believe I haven't heard of this before, I will have to look closer the next time I go to the store :)

  4. Hello Jo
    Yes, they are a funny looking vegetable.
    I also love Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall's article about them ... you may like to have a read it's here:

    Hope your weekend is going well

    All the best Jan

  5. Francisco Translation:
    Interessante e deve ser delicioso. Interesting and should be delicious.
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana. A hug and good weekend

    Many thanks for your comment Francisco. Muito obrigado pelo seu comentário Francisco

    Good wishes for a nice weekend. Bons desejos para um fim de semana agradável

    All the best Jan. Todo o melhor Jan

  6. Hello Connie
    It is a little unusual isn't it, and doesn't seem to be one of the more popular vegetables.
    Hope it will be available in your store.

    Wishing you a good weekend

    All the best Jan

  7. I've never tried it! Now I really want to.... It's a shame they don't sell it in Aldi, my local!!x

  8. Hello Kezzie
    Sometimes you can get Kohlrabi in health food stores, those that sell fresh produce, and it is also available online, but sometimes may be more expensive.
    Just keep your eye open, should you be shopping somewhere different and not your local.

    All the best Jan

  9. Okay, you have convinced me. I will no longer look at this veg with great suspicion :) I will give this recipe a go. Thanks Jan! You are teaching me to be a little more adventurous with my veggies.

  10. I like Kohlrabi. I use it mostly in soups, instead of potatoes.

  11. i love kohlrabi. we grew it every year in wisconsin. we ate them raw like sliced apples. most folks in texas have never heard of it.

    thank you for your kind comment today, jan.

  12. I'm now on a mission to grow them! Have to wait until next year though!xxx


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