Saturday, 23 July 2016

Gipsy Kings - HABLA ME

Last one from me tonight. Years ago I got involved with a mob selling time share apartments in Spain. Believe me when I say MOB, I mean the MOB. I used to arrange finance for them. They treated me well and at their high sell seminars, they always played Gypsy Kings music and introduced me to the bands music.

I have loved the Gipsy Kings for years, and always thought they were Spanish, how wrong can you be. From Wiki. The Gypsy Kings are a group of musicians from Arles and Montpellier in the south of France who perform in Spanish with an Andalusian accent. Although group members were born in France, their parents were mostly gitanos, Spanish gypsies who fled Catalonia during the 1930s Spanish Civil War. We live and learn. Eddie

1 comment:

  1. How interesting, I love their version of Hotel California.


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