Thursday 20 October 2016

Strawberry Scareberries : Great for Halloween

For many it's countdown to Halloween and if you are looking for a friendly food idea then you may like these. If you can get your hands on some strawberries - then these friendly ghouls, made from strawberries, and dipped in Greek yogurt (use black icing for the features), will look good on your Halloween table. The idea could also work with blackberries ...

400g strawberries
500g Greek-style natural yogurt
20 raisins
Black or writing icing


1. Dip each strawberry into the yogurt to cover completely, holding on to the green leafy part.
2. Set carefully on to a lined baking tray, then freeze for 15 minutes. Stick the raisins on for eyes, and pipe a ghost mouth on before serving.

Recipe idea from here

don't forget the pumpkins !
(image from google)

All the best Jan


  1. They're fabulous, cute rather than scary I think.

  2. Will pass this one on to Aimee Jan, can see her making them for the youngsters in the family.. and so healthy 😊 I have plain Greek yogurt for breakfast most mornings, it's so thick and creamy, bit of a treat really!

  3. Oh aren't they cute. Almost too cute to eat. : )

  4. those are so cute! they look delicious and i love that image of the pumpkins.

  5. These are so "CUTE"...I might not let anyone eat them :}

    That pumpkin photo is beautiful!!!

    Happy Thursday, Jan~

  6. those strawberries are just awesome, i will have to share them with my niece!!! and healthy, she likes healthy!!!

  7. Ha! Aren't those the cutest things! And delicious too.

  8. Hello, the strawberries are a cute treat for Halloween. I think I saw the same one and more on the Today show. Have a great day and weekend ahead!

  9. How clever--I imagine quite delicious as well. I like this idea very much! ♥

  10. What a wonderful idea!

    Squirrel is a lean meat. People who have land use the resources there. My grandparents lived long and healthy lives. Granny always said, Anything in moderation.

    I actively try to "read" a rock. I am getting better at learning it's birth, growth and history. It just fascinates me.

    Have a blessed weekend.

  11. Cute as can be. Hope you have a nice weekend.

  12. Oh my goodness these are totally adorable!!


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