Thursday 8 December 2016

Alzheimer's disease found to be a diabetic disorder of the brain!

Researchers at Tohoku University have found a promising treatment for Alzheimer's disease, by noticing a similarity in the way insulin signaling works in the brain and in the pancreas of diabetic patients.

More on this paper here.

To non diabetics. When did you last get your blood glucose checked? You can get a BG meter and some test strips from your local chemist for a very small amount of money. Money well spent I reckon.



  1. I passed this on to my sister in law, my brother suffers from Alzheimer's and the last medication they put him on worked for a few months but is now not really working anymore, so praying for a cure.

  2. BONSOIR ET BIEN CE serait si bien s'ils pouvaient trouver un traitement car c'est tellement triste de voir partir les personnes que nous aimons par cette foutue maladie*
    Merci pour votre article et bonne soirée

  3. Rough translation.

    GOOD EVENING AND WELL EC would be so nice if they could find a cure for it is so sad to see the people we love this damn disease * Thanks for"

    I agree my Mother-in-law died from this horrible disease. Perhaps the worse way to go. I believe genetics and especially diet play a huge roll.

    Kind regards Eddie

  4. Steve Parker, M.D. said...
    Fun Fact: Nutmeg is poisonous.

    As they say, the dose makes the poison. The toxic dose is somewhere north of two tablespoons, according to an article at the New York Times

    The rare modern poisonings typically involves teenagers looking for a high, or childhood accidental ingestions.

    Thanks Steve. I have heard of teenagers being killed by drinking too much water after taking illegal drugs.

    A bit like insulin, we all need it, but too much can kill.

    Regards Eddie

  5. Thanks Eddie - for sharing this information.
    There seem to be more and more people suffering from Alzheimers and dementia, so anything we can do to stop this is great.


  6. Thanks so much for sharing this!!!!


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