Saturday, 31 December 2016

Most diabetes treatment is a disaster here is why.

Around 400 million people in the world are diabetics. It has been estimated the number will double in the next twenty years. This situation could have been avoided, unfortunately most diabetes treatment is a disaster, here is why. First you need to understand a few facts. Around 90% of diabetics are type two, at diagnosis approximately 80% are overweight. This next point is very important to remember! without insulin there can be NO weight gain. Below you will see a young type one diabetic boy, a very lucky boy, he lived just at the time lnjectable insulin arrived on the scene. Type one diabetics produce little or no insulin of their own. Typically back in the days before man made insulin, the poor victims withered away to skeletal before dying, regardless of how much they ate. Once a type one diabetic had access to insulin, they very quickly returned to a healthy weight as you can see. Just for a moment, let's do a 180 and look at type two diabetes from a different angle.

As around 80% of type two diabetics, at diagnosis are over weight, lack of insulin cannot be the problem. In fact many have up to three times the blood insulin levels of a slim non diabetic. You don't need the brains of Einstein to realise, giving a type two diabetic insulin, or drugs that encourage the pancreas to output more insulin, is not the way to go. It makes as much sense as giving an alcoholic more booze to cure his alcoholism, so why do Doctors do this. All this achieves is addressing the symptom high blood glucose, it does not address the cause, insulin resistance, in fact it makes the condition far worse. 

We are constantly told, people eating too much become over weight, and many after time become type two diabetics. But what happened first. Type two diabetes, is infinitely more complicated, than eating too much and becoming over weight. For example the most heavily over weight people in the world are Sumo wrestlers, rarely do they become type two diabetics. The thinnest group of people on the planet suffer from Berardinelli-Seip Congenital Lipodystrophy, a very rare condition, these poor souls have no fat cells and cannot put on weight. How many are type two diabetics? All, every single person.

At this stage, you may be wondering what is the success rate in the UK for treating diabetes, one word, abysmal. The NHS audited statistics published every year, from information received from GP's records, show on average 93% of type one diabetics, and around 50% of type two diabetics, fail to get to a safe blood glucose level. There is only one way to control diabetes for the majority of diabetics, the low carb higher healthy fats lifestyle, using minimal medication (type one diabetics) and minimal or nil medication (type two diabetics) The way to achieve safe control of diabetes, and weight for non diabetics, can be found on our blog here. 

You may be wondering how this ludicrous situation regarding diabetes treatment has occurred. Why does the largest diabetes charity in the UK Diabetes UK, and the British Dietetic Association, recommend a diet that almost guarantees failure for diabetics, and costs the NHS around £15 billion a year. Could it be because DUK are heavily sponsored by a long list of big pharma companies, and the BDA and some of it's highest profile dietitians, are sponsored by junk food outfits. Make up your own mind, I did years ago and so have countless other well controlled diabetics.  

Happy New Year folks. Looking forward to another year of telling it like it is.



  1. so many new things i knew while reading your great post dear friend .
    thank you for making the day for so many .
    wishing you a safe and healthy new year .

  2. Have a wonderful New Year and thanks for all the recipes and articles on diabetes. I was diagnosed with type 1 and try to limit my use of insulin, but I remember being told it didn't matter much what I ate, I just had to take the insulin for it.... I'm not sure that was the best advice, although they did suggest it was best for me to eat healthy and reduce carbs.

  3. Looking forward to more of your educational posts.

  4. From Japan :I wish you a Happy New Year!

  5. It is the comment I recently saw "I am a type 1 diabetic. I test my blood 2 hours after my meal and again before each meal. My dr recommends my post meal to be under 180 and under 120 before a meal. If you test sooner you may get a high result. Your results also depend on the type of insulin you are taking and when you take it. Some insulins start working within 15 minutes and others 1 hour. Each diabetic tolerates food differently so it's very hard to advise anyone what they should and shouldn't eat. You need to figure out what works for you. This is done by testing frequently. I take 1 shot at bed and 1 shot for each meal. I test my blood 6-8 times a day. The best advice is to talk to your health care provider. Also, remember that type 1 and type 2 diabetes is different."


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The best of health to you and yours.
