Tuesday 10 January 2017

Feta Cheese : Is it Good or Bad?

These words taken from an article written by Arlene Semeco MS RD

"Feta is the most well-known cheese in Greece. It is a soft, white, brined cheese that is very nutritious and is an excellent source of calcium.
As part of Mediterranean cuisine, this cheese is used in all sorts of dishes — from appetizers to desserts — because it can enhance the taste of foods.
Here is everything you need to know about feta cheese.

What Is Feta Cheese?
Feta cheese is originally from Greece.
It’s a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) product, meaning that only cheese made in some areas of Greece can be called “feta”.
In these regions, feta is made with milk from sheep and goats raised on local grass. This particular environment is what gives the cheese its unique characteristics.
Feta’s flavor is tangy and sharp when it’s made with sheep’s milk, but milder when combined with goat’s milk.
Bottom Line: Feta cheese is a Greek cheese made from sheep and goat’s milk. It has a tangy, sharp flavor and a creamy texture in the mouth.

How Is It Made?
Genuine Greek feta is made from sheep’s milk or a mixture of sheep and goat’s milk.
However, goat’s milk cannot be more than 30% of the mixture.
The milk used to make the cheese is usually pasteurized, but it can also be raw.
After the milk is pasteurized, lactic acid starter cultures are added to separate the whey from the curds, which are made of the protein casein. Then, rennet is added to set the casein.
Once this process is complete, the curd is shaped by draining the whey and placing the curd in molds for 24 hours.
Once the curd is firm, it is cut into cubes, salted and placed in wooden barrels or metal containers for up to three days. Next, the blocks of cheese are placed in a salted solution and refrigerated for two months.
Finally, when the cheese is ready to be distributed to consumers, it is packaged in this solution (called brine) to preserve freshness.
Bottom Line: Feta cheese is a fresh cheese that is shaped into cubes. It is stored in salted brine and matured for only two months.

Feta Cheese Is Packed With Nutrients
Feta cheese seems to be a healthy choice. One ounce (28 grams) provides:
Calories: 74
Fat: 6 grams
Protein: 4 grams
Carbs: 1.1 grams
Riboflavin: 14% of the RDI
Calcium: 14% of the RDI
Sodium: 13% of the RDI
Phosphorus: 9% of the RDI
Vitamin B12: 8% of the RDI
Selenium: 6% of the RDI
Vitamin B6: 6% of the RDI
Zinc: 5% of the RDI
It also has decent amounts of vitamins A and K, folate, pantothenic acid, iron and magnesium.
Bottom Line: Feta cheese is a low-calorie, low-fat cheese. It is also a good source of B vitamins, calcium and phosphorus.

It Can Support Bone Health
Cheese seems to be the primary source of calcium in Western diets.
Feta cheese is a good source of calcium, phosphorus and protein, all of which have been proven to promote bone health.
Calcium and protein help maintain bone density and prevent osteoporosis, while phosphorus helps your bones absorb calcium.
Bottom Line: Calcium and phosphorus are present in feta cheese in amounts that can help support bone health.

Feta Cheese Is Good for Your Gut
Probiotics are live, friendly bacteria that can benefit your health.
Feta has been shown to contain Lactobacillus plantarum, which accounts for about 48% of its bacteria.
These bacteria can help promote immune system and gut health by protecting the intestinal tract from disease-causing bacteria like E. coli and Salmonella.
Furthermore, they seem to increase the production of compounds that inhibit the inflammatory response, thus providing anti-inflammatory benefits.
Bottom Line: Feta cheese contains friendly bacteria that have been shown to promote immune and intestinal health, in addition to their anti-inflammatory effects.

It Contains Beneficial Fatty Acids
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a fatty acid found in animal products. It has been shown to help improve body composition, decreasing fat mass and increasing lean body mass. CLA may also help prevent diabetes and has shown anti-cancer effects.
- eating feta cheese could contribute to your intake of CLA and provide you with all of the benefits it offers.
Interestingly enough, Greece has the lowest incidence of breast cancer and the highest consumption of cheese in the European Union.
Bottom Line: Feta cheese contains good amounts of CLA, which may improve body composition and help prevent diabetes and cancer.

Potential Problems With Feta
Feta cheese is a good dairy source of nutrients. However, due to how its made and the types of milk used, it could have some drawbacks.
It Contains High Amounts of Sodium
During the cheese-making process, salt is added to the curd. Additionally, during storage, the cheese block needs to be submerged in a brine of up to 7% salt.
The finished product is a cheese that’s high in sodium. In fact, feta cheese contains 312 mg of sodium in a 1-ounce (28-gram) serving, which can account for up to 13% of your RDI.
If you’re sensitive to salt, one simple way to reduce the salt content of this cheese is to rinse the cheese with water before eating it.
It Has a High Lactose Content
Fresh cheeses and cheeses made with high levels of milk fat tend to be higher in lactose than aged cheeses.
Since feta cheese is a fresh cheese made from whole milk, it has a higher lactose content than cheeses like gouda, Parmesan or ricotta.
People who are allergic or intolerant to lactose should avoid eating fresh cheeses, including feta.
Pregnant Women Should Not Consume Unpasteurized Feta
Listeria monocytogenes is a type of bacteria found in water and soil that can contaminate crops and animals.
Pregnant women are usually advised to avoid consuming raw vegetables and meats, as well as unpasteurized dairy products, because they have the potential to be contaminated with these bacteria.
Cheeses made with unpasteurized milk have a higher risk of carrying the bacteria than cheeses made with pasteurized milk. Similarly, fresh cheeses have a higher risk of carrying it than aged cheeses, due to higher moisture content. Therefore, feta cheese made with unpasteurized milk is not recommended for pregnant women.
Bottom Line: Feta cheese has a higher sodium and lactose content than other cheeses. Also, when made with unpasteurized milk, it has the potential to be contaminated with Listeria bacteria.

How to Eat Feta Cheese
Feta can be a great addition to your meals because of its flavor and texture. In fact, Greeks traditionally keep it on the table for people to freely add during meals.
Here are a few fun ways to add this type of cheese to your food:-
On salads: Sprinkle crumbled feta on your salads.
Grilled: Grill feta, drizzle it with olive oil and season with pepper.
With fruits: Create dishes such as a salad of watermelon, feta and mint.
In omelets: Combine eggs with spinach, tomatoes and feta.
Bottom Line: Because of its characteristic flavor and aroma, feta cheese can be an excellent addition to meals.

Take Home Message
Feta is a fresh, white cheese with a soft and creamy texture.
Compared to other cheeses, it’s low in calories and fat. It also contains a high amount of B vitamins, phosphorus and calcium, which can benefit bone health.
Additionally, feta contains beneficial bacteria and fatty acids.
However, this type of cheese is high in sodium and lactose. Pregnant women should also be sure to avoid unpasteurized feta.
Yet for most people, feta is perfectly safe to eat. What’s more, it can be used in a variety of recipes, ranging from appetizers to desserts.
At the end of the day, feta is a delicious and healthy addition to most people’s diets."

Arlene's full article with further information / research links is here

How about trying this delicious Greek Sardine Salad with feta recipe (bread optional)
You can find the details here

We bring a variety of articles, studies etc. plus recent news/views and recipe ideas to this blog, we hope something for everyone to read and enjoy.
Please note, not all may be suitable for you.
If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. I'm not a fan of Feta cheese but.....
    Wishing you guys an amazing day out there - if you got the winter storm we did, stay safe and warm.

  2. The salad looks delicious! And thank you for your kind comments on my blog, too!

  3. i love feta cheese - but with tomatoes i prefer mozzarella!!

  4. Feta is an acquired taste I think, but sprinkled on a salad sounds just right.
    Lisa x

  5. Being raised by Greek parents, you just know that I grew up eating feta cheese regularly! And you are absolutely right. Genuine feta cheese is made with sheep’s milk.

  6. I am a great fan of feta cheese and sardines and it seems to me that the two of them in tandem would provide great nutrition. There is a deli here in Waterloo when excellent feta cheese can be obtained from various sources. I buy either Greek or Balkan packed in brine in barrels. It's fun just going and selecting from among the several options on offer.

  7. For my body it is 100 percent without a doubt, not good. But .. back when I ate cheese, this is was one of my top picks.

  8. I don't mind feta Jan, but oh la! Brie is so much tastier 😀😀

  9. I love feta cheese and often put in liberally on salads. Good to know it's good for us too. : )

  10. Hi Jan,
    I'm not sure if my previous comment went through. I found this post really informative and I love the idea of grilling feta.

  11. very interesting, I never even knew it was made from sheep and goat.

  12. Good to know about feta cheese, thank you!

  13. Hubs loves feta so glad to hear it's good for him! How interesting!xxx

  14. Thank you very much! I didn't know this and it's one of my favourite cheese! I have to cut back!

  15. My mom’s been diagnosed with diabetes about a month ago. That’s kind of why I’m here. She’s really upset about it and I wanted to surprise her and make her a dinner that’s actually filling AND tasty (something she said she has trouble with). I’m just wondering (and I know kind of a stupid question for a blog literally called “low carb diabetic) if feta cheese is okay for diabetics. I’m just very worried and want to make sure everything I’m using is okay for her to eat. I want to double check.

  16. Grace said...
    My mom’s been diagnosed with diabetes about a month ago. That’s kind of why I’m here. She’s really upset about it and I wanted to surprise her and make her a dinner that’s actually filling AND tasty (something she said she has trouble with). I’m just wondering (and I know kind of a stupid question for a blog literally called “low carb diabetic) if feta cheese is okay for diabetics. I’m just very worried and want to make sure everything I’m using is okay for her to eat. I want to double check.

    Hello Grace
    Many thanks for your comment and question.
    Yes, when first diagnosed with diabetes many do find it upsetting as the post 'Introduction to low-carb for beginners.' mentions.

    My husband Eddie is a Type 2 diabetic and can eat Feta cheese ok without it affecting blood sugars. But none here at this blog are medical experts we only talk from experience and also share that of others plus of course helpful recipes/articles.

    The recipe for Greek Sardine Salad with feta recipe included within this post is a recipe we often have (without the bread) and fits into our LCHF menu plans well. We also enjoy Feta with omelettes.

    Provided there are no contra-indications as mentioned in the 'potential problems with feta' part of the article, then this recipe could/may well suit. However, as with any recipe on this blog, it is important that, if there are any food allergies/concerns, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

    I hope this helps ...

    All the best Jan

  17. it is good to know about this kind of cheese dear Jan
    thank you for sharing always useful knowledge


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The best of health to you and yours.
