Friday 20 January 2017

Seafood Stew With Chilli and Paprika

If you are a seafood lover then I think you may enjoy this ... a warming stew made with cod and juicy king prawns. If you are not keen on fish, but may know someone who is why not consider passing on the recipe suggestion!

Serves Four
1 tbsp olive oil
2 red onions, diced
600g diced swede and carrot
1 red chilli, sliced
2 tsp paprika
700ml chicken stock, made with 1 stock cube
390g carton chopped tomatoes
1 tbsp tomato pureé with garlic
2 yellow peppers, sliced
180g raw king prawns
250g cod, cut into 2-3 cm pieces
100g (bag) baby leaf spinach
2 limes, one squeezed and one cut into wedges
1 bunch coriander, roughly chopped

1. Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan over a medium heat. Add the onions and season, then cook for 5 minutes or until softened. Add the swede and carrot and sauté on a low heat for 10 minutes.

2. Add the chilli, paprika, stock, chopped tomatoes and tomato pureé. Sauté for 5 minutes. Add the peppers and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. 

3. Add the prawns and cod and place a lid on top of the pan. Cook for 5 minutes over a medium-high heat. Take off the heat and add the spinach. Allow it to wilt, stirring occasionally. Add the juice of one lime and sprinkle over the coriander. Serve with the lime wedges.

Each serving:
22.0g carbohydrate 9.7g fibre 30.7g protein 5.1g Fat

Recipe from

Coriander is one of the world's most commonly used herbs - in spite of the fact that the name comes from the Greek, koris, meaning bed bug! It is green, leafy and strong-smelling with a fresh, citrus taste that makes it an invaluable garnish and flavour enhancer. Both the fresh leaves and stalks are edible, as well as the berries, which are dried and called coriander seeds. Native to southern Europe and the Middle East, the plant is now grown worldwide. Coriander tends to be associated most with Asian and Central and South American cooking. For maximum flavour, it is best added to dishes just before serving.

Do not clean coriander with the roots still attached - instead, simply keep them wrapped in a damp paper towel inside an open plastic bag and store in the salad drawer of the fridge, where they should last five to six days.

A variety of recipe ideas is within this blog, but please note, not all may be suitable for you.

If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. Yum, that looks so good! Thanks for visiting Jan and Happy New Year to you all.

  2. That looks delicious though I have to admit that I've never ever tried seafood in a stew. It just doesn't sound appetising to me, though I love things like Paella so I bet it's something I would enjoy.

  3. This looks delicious I should do more seafood.

  4. I should read your posts after I eat. They always make me hungry. : )

  5. Would love to try this but hubby will not touch any kind of seafood... while he is so good about everything else he eats 🐟
    It sure looks yummy to me though :)

  6. this looks and sounds so perfect - but - i know i would add pasta because i think it would be awesome with pasta. i really love cooking with shrimp, so quick and easy!!

  7. My brother thanks you for this recipe!!!

  8. The photo makes this dish look very inviting. Full of flavour and goodness I'm sure.
    Lisa x


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