Wednesday 4 January 2017

Statins for Primary Prevention: The Debate Is Intense, but the Data Are Weak

A recent issue of JAMA contains the latest US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendation statement on statins for prevention of cardiovascular disease in adults,1 along with the accompanying evidence report and systematic review2 on which the recommendations are based.

The evidence report summarized data from 19 trials including a total of 71 344 patients and concluded that statin therapy was associated with reduced risk of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality and cardiovascular disease (CVD) events. Thus, the task force recommended “initiating use of low- to moderate-dose statins in adults aged 40 to 75 years without a history of CVD who have 1 or more CVD risk factors and a calculated 10-year CVD event risk of 10% or greater (B recommendation)” or “7.5% to 10% (C recommendation).”1

Although the task force did their usual careful job of reviewing the evidence, the evidence for treating asymptomatic persons with statins does not appear to merit a grade B or even a grade C recommendation.

Can't access full text but a first page preview of the PDF can be viewed at the link



  1. I think your fight against the use of statines is as important as the fight for the better blood sugar control control for diabetics. Statination turns millions into sicker people than they could be.

  2. I have been battling my physician all year in 2016 because she insists on putting me on statins and I keep refusing. She is so adamant that in 2016 she didn't even bother with giving me a complete physical or pap smear or requesting a colonoscopy or mammogram. She said she didn't want to do anything else until she got my cholesterol under control. Needless to say that in 2017 I have changed doctors and have an appointment at the end of January and we'll see what happens.

    I did try the statins but they affected me adversely and just enraged me! I'm very happy go lucky but while taking them everything irritated me to a point that I was just a bear to deal with! My poor family, friends and co-workers bore the brunt of my anger. Not for me, thank you!

  3. You certainly come up with interesting recipes!xxx

  4. To Alicia

    Graham was put on statins over eight years ago. Within a few months he could hardly walk from the pains in his legs. Within weeks of coming off statins he was back to his highly active normal. This is not an isolated case. If you check out the most optimistic statin data, put forward by the statin makers, at best a person can achieve months of extra life. The facts are only a very small amount of people get benefit, maybe!

    The way we see it they are not worth the risk. Life is about being active and happy. In the big scheme of things we are only here a short time. It's quality of life that counts. So much can be achieved with a healthy diet, with no side effects or risk.

    And BTW a healthy diet does not mean an expensive food diet.

    Regards Eddie

  5. Hi Eddie
    Just reading your comment back to Alicia.
    I agree, a healthy diet does not mean an expensive food diet.

  6. Thank you Eddie! I agree! It's funny that I had lost 30 pounds, no trace of diabetes, blood pressure under control, I was walking 3 miles a day, no pain in my knees and back any longer. Had suffered from Sciatica and that was almost gone and instead of saying "whatever you are doing, keep doing it because it's obvious you feel and look much better" she hung on to that one thing, my high cholesterol!


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