Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Wednesday is Wonderful !

Following my 'Monday Wash Day Blues' post here I now have my lovely new washing machine. It was delivered safely and correctly ... in fact just as advised ... by two very pleasant and helpful delivery guys, who set it up and checked it out before letting me loose on it with my pile of washing! I'm now able to get the laundry basket clear, oh, I'm a very happy person. LOL!

In fact so happy that even the thought of a walk in the rain hasn't dampened my spirits. With walking in mind I was reminded of these words written a while ago now by Nina Barough CBE. She writes:

"The world is one big outdoor spa, and membership is free."

How good is that ?
I'm talking about walking - there's a lot to be said about walking, or being outside, it can be so uplifting.

image from here

"Best of all, it's a fantastic cure for the January/February blues. Studies* show that if you walk like you're happy - shoulders back, head held high and striding with purpose - your body can actually fool your brain into feeling genuinely cheerful. So when you start out, don't shuffle along but take confident steps. It helps if you set yourself a challenge. Tell yourself you're going to go once round the park as fast as possible, or leave just before the shops close so you have to power along to get there. Giving yourself a goal and some kind of structure is a huge motivator."

On a simpler note this goal might just be walking to the front gate and back - then next time going to the corner, small steps can make such a difference.

I know of people in wheelchairs who just feel happier by being outside and their carer / friend / relation has taken then for a 'walk around the block'.

So my 'Wonderful Wednesday' is definitely going to involve a walk - come rain or shine I'm going outside... after I've done the washing of course!!!

How about you?

Links to Nina Barough, benefits of walking can be found here
and *studies about How We Walk can be found here

Now of course it wouldn't be a 'Jan' post without a recipe suggestion
so how about this Low Carb Lemon Yogurt Cheesecake - see more details here

Wishing all readers a wonderful Wednesday !
All the best Jan


  1. Hello, I always enjoy walking outdoors. We will be going out soon for our Wednesday walk.
    The cheesecake looks yummy. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  2. A lovely post to start the month with. Happy February! I hope it's a beautiful month for you.

  3. Too many choices....cheesecake/walking/laundry....what to do what to do.

  4. I love walking soaking up the good energy that's around me.

  5. I am going to try the walk. It might work for arthritis, too!

  6. Hi Jan'

    Glad you have your washing machine :) Strange we do not miss things until we havn't got them. I cannot wait for the weather to warm so that I can my washing on the line. No better perfume than the smell of fresh air on linen.

    I walk every day except when conditions are icy.
    I walked with Nella for an hour today. I do walk quickly as I feel more energised. BUT sometimes it is good to stand and stare and take in everything that is around you.

    Have a good day........

  7. I love walking but this has been an icy winter . . . the last thing I want to do is fall down. That photo with the bridge is gorgeous, I'd love to take a walk there today :)
    Have a great day!
    Connie :)

  8. A wonderful Wednesday and Happy February to you Jan! I've always been a walker, the best way to check out gardens, stop and photograph them and get exercise at the same time. Both daughters are runners and I worry about their knees in another 20 years.
    I'm off to check your links, thanks.

  9. I'm so glad you have your washing machine installed, I can imagine how much it was missed!
    Good advice re walking, I must lift my head next time, usually I dash around with the dogs trying to get it over as quickly as possible, in bad weather anyway, Love that

  10. You don 't have to sell me on walking. : ) I'm a walker every day in all kinds of weather!!

  11. The countryside is my favourite, but low fat lemon cheesecake, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

  12. Lemon dessert looks good. Glad you love your new washer and that it's all set. I agree, outdoors is a big spa. I just shoveled bunches of snow in the sun and it was heavenly. So pretty out there. Cheers and boogie boogie.

  13. What wonderful advice on walking!
    Woo Hoo for the new washing machine.

  14. Hello Jan, I loved this post - walking truly is one of the most beautiful activities. Appreciated all the more when it has had to be limited for a while. Just a little stroll can be so uplifting for there's so much to see outside. Your photo is lovely.
    Thanks too for your recipe, one I shall definitely follow up. Cheers now and thanks for all your visits, always appreciated. :D)

  15. I walk our little dog about 4 times per day and practice walking a little faster and a little longer each day. The cheesecake looks so good and creamy!

  16. It's so nice to hear your washing machine is now installed and you are enjoying it! We have been walkers for years! It makes our days better in more ways than one. I personally enjoy getting outdoors, no matter the weather. Have a great evening. ♥

  17. Hello Jan, Glad you can take some time from the laundry to enjoy Nature! I truly believe that we can trick our minds with a smile and decent posture. I do it all the time. I broke a rib falling on New Years Day, so I've been walking instead of skiing through January. It's always wonderful to be outside.

  18. There's just something good about a new machine.

  19. I'm very happy for you that your new washing machine is as described! Sometimes a walk can be lovely...

  20. I love being outside!!! Congrats on the washing machine! Thankyou for the lemon cheesecake! Big Hugs!

  21. I guess that is what I need to do when it is cold and windy out and I really don't want to walk, it isn't as fun and probably because I am complaining all the time and walking with my head down, I just need to fool my brain :)
    Glad all worked out great with the washing machine!

  22. More cheesecake, how wonderful.
    I shall try the head up and striding when I go out to lunch next, hopefully tomorrow.
    I love the quote about the outside being a spa, so true.
    Lisa x


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