Monday, 24 April 2017

Kellogg’s smothers health crisis in sugar

Kellogg’s, the world’s leading cereal­ manufacturer, has spent millions on research to counter claims that its sugar-laden products are fuelling the obesity crisis.

Kellogg’s has been attacked for putting more sugar in some breakfast cereals than is found in cakes, donuts and ice cream. A bowl of Crunchy Nut cereal can contain more than half the recom­mended maximum intake of added sugar for a six-year-old.

Now an investigation has establish­ed that Kellogg’s helped fund a report, published in a medical journal in December, attacking the British government’s recommendations to cut sugar intake. It also funded studies suggesting eating cereals may help children stay a healthy weight.

Simon Capewell, a founder of Action on Sugar and professor in public health and policy at Britain’s Liverpool University, called on Kellogg’s to publish a list of the scientists and research organisations to which it pays fees and ­research grants. Coca-Cola ­pub­lished such a list in 2015 after a row over how its research funding influenced public health debate.

“They are funding scientists and organisations to undermine the established evidence that eating too much sugar is harmful,” Professor Capewell said.

One of the food-research org­anisations funded by Kellogg’s is the International Life Sciences Institute. Last year it funded ­research in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine that said the ­advice to cut sugar by Public Health England and other bodies such as the World Health Organisation could not be trusted.

The study, which claimed officia­l guidance to cut sugar was based on “low-quality evidence”, stated it had been funded by an ILSI technical committee. Only by searching elsewhere for a list of committee members did it ­become clear that this comprised 15 food firms, including Kellogg’s, Coca-Cola and Tate & Lyle.

In 2013, Kellogg’s funded British research that concluded “regular consumption of breakfast cereals” might help children stay slimmer.

The study, published in the journal Obesity Facts, relied on evidence from 14 studies. Seven were funded by Kellogg’s and five were funded by the cereal company General Mills. Margaret Ashwell, a consultant to the food industry and one of the auth­ors of the study, said all interests had been correctly disclosed.

Terence Kealey, a former vice-chancellor at Buckingham University and author of Breakfast Is a Dangerous Meal, warned last month that the scientific community had “fooled itself” about the benefits of breakfast.

Kellogg’s said it was committed to “slowly reducing sugar”. A spokesman said: “As a low-­calorie, grain-based food choice we believe cereals have a role to play in tackling obesity. We ­follow appropriate guidelines for transparency and disclosure.”



  1. It's hard to find a healthy would think all bran would be safe but no..sugar is the second item on the list of ingredients.

  2. This was a very enlightening post. I knew that regular cereal is bad for you but people everywhere should know the truth about the extent companies will go to promote their goods, all in the name of money.

  3. all true but lack of exercise cannot be overlooked in our childhood obesity crisis. around here, i never see kids playing outdoors anymore. when my children were little, they never played indoors or spent time on computers or video games!!

  4. When Kellog cereal first came on the market it was to be health but with politics and lobbist it didn't.
    Coffee i son

  5. Well said!
    I do not let my boys have sugar cereal. My parents did not let me have it, I do the same.
    My boys enjoy oatmeal, eggs and cream of wheat for breakfast.
    Thank you for sharing,

  6. I don't think my cereal is that healthy

  7. The cereals and mueslis here are all very over sugared, and even things which claim to be sugar free often have sugar in them, go figure! Hugs, Valerie

  8. I occasionally get the urge to eat that Crunchy Nut cereal as a snack food, without milk, but the sugar content doesn't worry me, because I think one box every couple of years isn't so bad. I'd have to give them up completely if I was diabetic.

  9. James we do not allow links to outfits charging money for information provided here and many other places for free.

    Regards Eddie

  10. I think to have a bowl every one in a while is fine but kids shouldn't be eating it every morning. Eggs and toast is much better and more filling anyway.

  11. Now you know why I do not eat breakfast.

  12. "Kellogg’s has been attacked for putting more sugar in some breakfast cereals than is found in cakes, donuts and ice cream..." Now, why doesn't that surprise me one bit? I've given up on Kellogg's and lo and behold: I've been losing pounds ever since.

    They are so full of it. I'm not only talking about sugar.

    Have a great day, Jan.


  13. when you hear stuff like this it makes it hard to believe any studies you hear, you have to first research who funded it, so crazy and scary!

  14. This kind of funding goes on all the time, in many areas of food, including what kids are feed at schools.

    Follow the money. Always, follow the money.


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